A tip in case some of you guys haven't found it yet -- Quick Pay and Quick Delete by swiping on bills on the upcoming tab.
Couple more questions/issues? First Notifications no longer show up in iPhone Settings (maybe by Design?); Second, I am not receiving notifications . I currently have setup 3&7 for being notified. Today I logged on before the time 8:00 and the Badge changed from 2 to 3, but I did not get a Notification. Maybe by design, but just wanted to verify. Thanks.
We (literally today) found a bug in the current version that prevents it from properly syncing notification periods on bills (they are per bill now with a default on the Settings page). We've fixed the bug but it will require pushing a new version, which we can't do until the developer portals are back online after the holidays. Also, we are waiting on some art to add some BM2-style status icons to the ledger lists on the Calendar tab, as well as an Autopay icon to the Upcoming tab.
Notifications (and badges) should work properly on the device that created the bill. For now, the workaround is to edit the bill (pick Edit All Occurrences) and set the notification period (it will say Disabled on devices that pulled the data from the server).
Very sorry for that issue -- will be resolved as soon as possible.
Regarding not getting notifications for the current day, that's true. Set one for tomorrow w/ 1 day alert and you'll get it. The idea is to remind one to pay their bill ahead of when it's due.
Question: Is there a way to differentiate between total balance and amount due? ie, a minimum payment?
There isn't a minimum payment option.
I have not had a chance to test/validate the notifications yet because I still have BillMinder2 notifications active as the First of the month is coming up and I have not fully moved over to BillMinder3 until I feel secure. I do not know if the "Settings", "Notifications", "BillMinder Icon" is now 2 or 3 so have it on still. If I can get validation from return7 I will turn the notifications "Off" and see if BillMinder3 sends me notifications as there seems to be no On/Off options anywhere for it.
So please see my note above about notifications since it might impact your decision to delete BM2 in the short term. To your question, the icon in iPhone Settings -> Notifications is for BM2's push notifications.
One thing that users often asked for was per-bill notification settings. We couldn't do that in BM2 for a lot of reasons but we built it into BM3. If you look at Settings in BM3, the first option is Default Period. You can set that to a bunch of stuff but one of the options is Disabled. When creating a new bill, BillMinder 3 sets that value as the default notification period on that bill. You can change it when creating or editing bills. So it's true there's no "global" switch to disable all notifications -- it's much more fine grained control. It lets you decide what you want to be alerted for.
You guys are finding some neat ways to use this app. Thanks for that. I think part of the initial "disappointment" we received from a *very* small minority of users was because they tried to use BM3 like they used BM2. The point of this app wasn't to throw a new skin on some old code and call it v3, which is why it's a new app! We wanted it to work differently because we saw ways we could improve the experience. The old version evolved from literally being a todo list for bills with a paid flag and due dates to what you see today.