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Get a pack of gum and a couple of books.

Then put the rest away for impulse shopping (which WILL happen from time to time).

Makosuke said:
Looks like your "already have" list includes pretty much anything I'd want personally for a dorm room. I didn't see a TV on there, so that's really my only worthwhile suggestion (ideal would be a flatscreen that doubles as a monitor, given the confines of a dorm room, but that's not really necessary). Otherwise, I'd say just ask for something small and be happy with what you've got (or ask to have it put in the bank for a rainy day or when you really need something).

I agree with all of you to save it and have it earn some intrerest, i was simply just wondering if anyone had any other ideas that would be sweet for a dorm room, maybe ill get the bose sound dock or some other sweet speakers for around 2 or 3 hundred and then put the rest into savings
DSchwartz88 said:
for a dorm room, maybe ill get the bose sound dock or some other sweet speakers for around 2 or 3 hundred and then put the rest into savings
You're better off with a good pair of (closed) headphones, since speakers are a good way to lose friends and make enemies in a dorm w/ shared rooms and thin walls.
ChrisBrightwell said:
You're better off with a good pair of (closed) headphones, since speakers are a good way to lose friends and make enemies in a dorm w/ shared rooms and thin walls.

Thank god I only have 2 roommates and the walls seem to be rather thick. I understand that people say things like save the money for a rainy day..., but if I get money from my parents they more or less expect me to buy something of it. The TS states that he can buy something with a $500 limit, so maybe taking the cash and visiting a bank isn't a option here?

Otherwise depending on your bank account atm I would just save it and buy whenever you really want something. The way it seems now is that you MUST spend the money, but don't really want too.
Ugh, widows mobile? Heh, I hated that before I was even a Mac guy. I opted for a Palm. I got a cheap m100 when I was 13, moved up to a m505 when I was 14, and then a Tungsten T3 when I was 15. I sold my T3 last year for a PSP, and I haven't seen any great PDAs from Palm as of late.
I suggest an all in one scanner, photo copier and printer. Very useful for goig to university and printing loads of work/ copying other peoples notes.
mattcube64 said:
Ugh, widows mobile? Heh, I hated that before I was even a Mac guy. I opted for a Palm. I got a cheap m100 when I was 13, moved up to a m505 when I was 14, and then a Tungsten T3 when I was 15. I sold my T3 last year for a PSP, and I haven't seen any great PDAs from Palm as of late.

only problem with the Palm OS is it will not work with the wireless on many college campuses on how they have ti set up.

That being said I like my Palm TX even though ti doesnt work with the wireless at school.

Personly I would say go for a good digital camra you will find that very useful.

I use mine digicam quite a bit taking picture of friends and random things and I find myself using it for quite a few school projects.
Windows Mobile 5 is now sync-able (Is that even a word?) with OS X. The Missing Sync has been updated today to support it. I've been wanting to buy the Dell Axim X51v, but hesitant because it wasn't able to sync with my Mac. I currently have a Palm Tungsten T2, and want to get a replacement. I prefer to stay away from Palm because of the Screen-whine problem. So annoying.
Badandy said:
Get a Roomba!

I'm going to college next year, and I think this will keep my dorm room nice and clean, provided there aren't too many clothes strewn about...
You must have spacious dorm rooms at your school. The rooms at the University I work at barely have enough space on the floor for a Roomba, let alone to worry about vaccuming it. And they're for two people!
The base unit/charging station will be under the bed, where it will return every time it vacuums to charge itself...

Sorry, I'm a geek, this is going to be cool.
I'm going to be a freshman this year as well (I have 3 friends going to Carnegie Mellon!) and my parents got me a Bose iPod dock for my birthday but I returned it and got the iPod hifi b/c I wanted to be able to plug in my PowerBook to the speakers and just play through iTunes. I've just sold some of my old videogames on ebay and I got a nice messenger bag that holds my laptop (Tumi) and I'm looking at getting a pair of Sony MDR-V6 headphones.
Timepass said:
only problem with the Palm OS is it will not work with the wireless on many college campuses on how they have ti set up.

That being said I like my Palm TX even though ti doesnt work with the wireless at school.

Personly I would say go for a good digital camra you will find that very useful.

I use mine digicam quite a bit taking picture of friends and random things and I find myself using it for quite a few school projects.

I was looking at getting the TX. How do you like it? Anything that makes it special?
Well.....that's enough to get a couple of gifts if you want.
Maybe a nice rain jacket (Northface).
Nike+iPod kit and shoes.
Nice printer (depending on major you could definently need a nice one).
Nice electric toothbrush (Sonicare).
Concert tickets (whose your favorite band or who is playing in your area that you like)
Xbox 360 games.
Car Stereo speakers.
A really nice downed pillow or downed comforter or high thread count sheets (your going to love sleeping in college because you can sleep anytime of any day).
Some of your favorite books, cds, or dvds
A nice oscilating fan/heater for those crappy dorm rooms
Sound Machine
Stock options
Maybe a used apple display or a dell display to have a nice dorm room setup

Maybe donate a little to a charity or to church.

Those are all thinigs I think I would like to get (a lot of them I have and can't live without) if I had 500 dollars to waste right now.
so ive spoken to my parents. they really want to buy me a 18th birthday present. so it looks like im going to have to make a decision soon. my birthday is august 5th and i leave for college the 19th, so if anyone could help me figure out what is the best most awesome thing i could use for a very small dorm room, please let me know
DSchwartz88 said: me figure out what is the best most awesome thing i could use for a very small dorm room, please let me know
That's different depending on the person... for me? A microwave and 'fridge. But that's 'cause we had no access to kitchens (not like that would have helped me anyway) and I like having hot foods (even if they're nuked)...
Not to be an ass but why do you have to spend the maximum amount of money on the present? I mean it seems from your list of gadgets you are better off than many as it is, what more do you REALLY need that you can't live without? I liked the earlier idea of books, but maybe if you really can't figure out something you absolutely NEED then why not save the moneyor better yet, be a little philanthropic. Ask for some music/books and some money to donate or save.

I'll say this outtright i don't want to get bashed here for sounding like that im trashing you wanting stuff or whatever. That's not what im trying to say, just to me getting stuff just because you can get it isn't very gratifying, you may enjoy something what i suggested :)
rockthecasbah said:
Not to be an ass but why do you have to spend the maximum amount of money on the present? I mean it seems from your list of gadgets you are better off than many as it is, what more do you REALLY need that you can't live without? I liked the earlier idea of books, but maybe if you really can't figure out something you absolutely NEED then why not save the moneyor better yet, be a little philanthropic. Ask for some music/books and some money to donate or save.

I'll say this outtright i don't want to get bashed here for sounding like that im trashing you wanting stuff or whatever. That's not what im trying to say, just to me getting stuff just because you can get it isn't very gratifying, you may enjoy something what i suggested :)

i agree with you but i bet you know what its like. A girlfriend/wife/parent/whomever sees that a really special occasion is comming up and wants to buy you something (im not saying have to spend 500, im saying thats the limit) and its just as much gratifying for them as it is for you. My parents want to buy me a present beause its my 18th and they want somethign tangable. So im just saying thats why it has tog be a gift of value and not jsut books or cd's or something (they already i download so they wouldnt get me it anyways)
DSchwartz88 said:
i agree with you but i bet you know what its like. A girlfriend/wife/parent/whomever sees that a really special occasion is comming up and wants to buy you something (im not saying have to spend 500, im saying thats the limit) and its just as much gratifying for them as it is for you. My parents want to buy me a present beause its my 18th and they want somethign tangable. So im just saying thats why it has tog be a gift of value and not jsut books or cd's or something (they already i download so they wouldnt get me it anyways)
yeah i know that feeling sometimes but if you make the point that you'd be happier if they "didn't spend the money on you" or whatever and make them realize that you'd be happier without more stuff they might change their mind on being set on giving you something physical. I personally don't like to get big gifts just to get them because from who it would be from (my dad probably, sometimes mom) i know how unbelievably hard he works for his money and respect his devotion to wanting to give more than actually getting and i make that clear. I don't know it's worth a shot if you really want to go the route i suggested, it's worked for me before ;)

Maybe ask to treat the family to a dinner at a nice restaurant or tickets to a show of some type if you can persuade away from physical stuff. You'll remember a show for as long as you love it, how long will you remember a piece of plastic after its time is up :p
Why not buy shares in apple computer? ... invest in some tech venture: risky and geeky all at the same time.
Or, hey, better, take a vacation.


(I would say save it for buying textbooks [way overpriced, you'll discover], but sounds like money is not a worry at your house.)
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