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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 10, 2003
So the time has come for me to get a new macbook. I've be reading every thread I can find on the matter, but for the life of me I cannot decide what color to get. The $150 price for the black is annoying, since that is money that could be spent on a larger HD and such. I'm sure you have all hard the arguements both ways. However, I am going to be pulling the trigger on the order in the very near future and I need some convincing. So try to sway me one way or the other. Those that have macbooks, are you happy with your color choice? Would you choose differently? Thanks for the help.
In my opinion, the white is a lot better. It's shiny, the black one is not, it's very striking and good looking. It's also very 'apple' and therefore stylish.
Well... the white one gets yellow stains, and the black one has problems with the finish peeling off... so, get a MacBook Pro. ;) :D

No, actually get both a white and a black one - then switch the keys from one machine to the other. So you have a black MacBook with white keys and a white MacBook with black keys. Then sell the one you like the least for $5000 on eBay, telling everyone it's a unique one of a kind Tuxedo MacBook. Or something.
atari1356 said:
Well... the white one gets yellow stains, and the black one has problems with the finish peeling off... so, get a MacBook Pro. ;) :D
The problems with the white MacBooks staining has been fixed and the black MacBooks were never peeling.
EricNau said:
The problems with the white MacBooks staining has been fixed and the black MacBooks were never peeling.
They claim to have fixed the white MB problems, but a lot of users have reported getting the new plastic, only to find 3 weeks later that the staining has shown up again! And re the black peeling: I don't think it's anywhere near as widespread, but there's even a thread on here that shows pictures, so it HAS happened.
atari1356 said:
No, actually get both a white and a black one - then switch the keys from one machine to the other. So you have a black MacBook with white keys and a white MacBook with black keys. Then sell the one you like the least for $5000 on eBay, telling everyone it's a unique one of a kind Tuxedo MacBook. Or something.
No way. Go to colorware and get a hot pink MB, then sell it for $10,000 on eBay - you can say that "[insert fancy, expensive designer name] made this one-of-a-kind machine!"
killuminati said:
Get a black one, apparently the white ones run slower.

Anyways go for black if money is not an issue. I have the white one and I wish I could have got the black one instead. I bought it on day one and still dont have the STAINING problem though. So dont really worry bout that. But still anything white is going to get dirty way sooner than Black.

This should be the tie braker for you. Tell me if you wish to keep this MacBook for 3-4 years or intend to sell it and get something new after 10-12 months. If you want to buy a new model after an year then definitely go for the white one. It`ll have better value for money. But in case you wish to keep it for as long as possible then definitely go for the BlackBook. HDD,RAM etc can all be upgraded later.

I am planning to sell mine and get a Core2Duo MBP once it`s launched. Coz I really hate white as it gets dirty very easily and looks ugly once it does. Also I hate the fact that I`ll be paying 150$ just for a Paint Job. So why not increase that budget a lil bit more and get the MBP instead. IMO the current MBP looks better than both the White and BlackBook. Plus it has quite a few extras compared to MacBooks justifying the cost. And just in case Steve announces this WWDC " Ladies and Gentleman, Here`s presenting the all new C2D MBP with Anodized Black Case". WOW.


- get the White one if you wish to sell it within a year or so.
- or get BlackBook if you are going to keep it for a few years.
- OR if budget allows and the extra 2 inches is not TOO big for you, Wait till WWDC and (hopefully)order a C2D MBP this August. Thereby saving your self from worrying for Whites getting dirty OR the guilt for paying 150$ just for a Black Case.
As I posted in another thread,

I couldn't justify the premium of a black MB and I reckon it looks like any old dell / thinkpad etc.

So I got white and I'm very happy with it :)
I prefer the black, but the price?

To be honest, I prefer the black!

I know its more but the deciding factor would be what colour my iPod is (it's black).

The white one is more shiney and so scratches may appear worst on the white than on the black (which has a matt finish)

I have one more thing the camera at the top of the monitor, white with a black camera? I don't personally like it. the black MacBook it doesn't stand out as much.

dirt - it will probably show up less on the black than on the white!

it's just the price! see which one you prefer!
White, White, White!

I've got a white one AND I LOVE IT :D :D

A reason for me having a Mac is the stand-out-design-factor (about 10%) and the Black MacBook just DOESNT look like an Apple product to me. :eek:

If you go for a White MacBook you will have people looking at it when your out an about with it - with the bright white Apple on the back. The White MacBook is a really good looking machine!

Get the White one with as much Ram and Gigs of HD space as you can. :)

- Joe.
Joe2000 said:
If you go for a White MacBook you will have people looking at it when your out an about with it - with the bright white Apple on the back.

But on the black one you can actually see the white Apple logo :)

I've compared both in a store and the black looked really nice to me. The white seemed a bit tacky. Reminded me too much of an iBook :)
Not sure if you would feel the same, but going from an aluminum powerbook to a white macbook just wouldn't feel right to me. Maybe if you go in the price range of the black macbook, you can pick up a refurb/refreshed macbook pro. The white macbook really reminds me too much of an ibook, even though it is a nice machine.
The blackbook keeps the oil streaks from your hand and fingers. I will take my chances with the whitebook staining. I don't think the whitebooks will stain anymore, and if they do apple will fix it. The blackbook showing oil is a guarantee. That annoys me more than anything. White is cheaper more classic looking and I forgot to mention just as good as the blackbook (besides the hd) for $200 LESS. Easy choice if your on the fence about it. The new MBP's might even be black. Besides white stands out better.
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