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Thanks for all the responses. Although, I have to say that the decision has become even harder thanks to all this good advice!

At the moment, I'm leaning towards a black refurb. I know that I am going to upgrade the hard drive as soon as I get it. Since the black comes with an 80 GB, I figure it would have some resale value compared to the 60 GB in the white macbook.

However, I also have Apple BT keyboard, white iPod, and the BTMM is on the way. Perhaps the white would be a better match for my setup? Although, I do have the Dell 2005FPW, which is predominately black, so maybe the black is better.

Only if Apple made a 12 inch MBP! I love the alu look.
spencecb said:
I really doubt that the new MacBook Pro's will depart from the current brushed metal appearance. I'm not saying that they will not see a design change, because that is always a possibility, but I do not think that the color scheme will change. They look more professional than the MacBooks, and that is for a reason.

Black anodized aluminum for the MBP. That would be or blue too perhaps. I mean hey, you can get anodized aluminum valve covers for your small block Chevy or Ford V8 in all sorts of colors. Why not your laptop?:D
I had the same dilemma. so, i went to a store to see them in person. and it took me a good 30 minutes to decide. and it all went down to change. i have had a white imac and white ibook, and was fforking over alot of money to get a brand new computer that was better and different. and when i thought about it the white macbook looks just like my ibook but thinner. and i wanted something new and different than before. and the black really looked amazing. and sure maybe most laptops are black, but no laptop looks like my blackbook. anyway, thats my two cents.
my two cents.

I think everyone goes through this. i went through it with a macbook, and with a 15 vs 17 in PB a while back. you can go to the store back and forth, examining and considering all the possible differences as you look at them side by side in eternal contemplation. But here's the thing i found in both cases. Just go with your gut and get the first one you like. Because you will love which ever one you bring home. I can say that honestly, because when you bring it home you have nothing to compare it against. it will just be you and the computer. And all you will see is the one you bought, not this one vs. that one. You won't see the differences, just the value. It's like being in room full of 20 girls vs 1. Instead of seeing what's good about them individually all you see are the differences. Which ever one you choose will be great (meaning the computer)
I posted this in another thread:

I had a blackbook, as soon as you touch it you leave greasy marks on it. I was constantly wiping it down with a microfibre cloth cause I'm a bit of a neat freak. When I took it to uni and saw it in broad daylight, a bit of the spacebar, the command key and the trackpad were shiny and no amount of cleaning got rid of it. Also the lid of the macbook can look as though your a grubby person if you don't clean it.

I exchanged it for a white macbook after 2 weeks. Couldn't be happier with it. Not only does it stay clean and look shiny, it stands out like a beacon amongst the drab dells, hps etc.
To all the people who keep arguing that the black MacBook looks like a PC: have you been to Best Buy lately?

Almost every PC laptop they sell is silver or gray. Maybe they have a small amount of black on the sides or edges, but they look far more like the MacBook Pros than EITHER of the MacBooks.

In fact, Sony makes a couple of models that look a lot like the white MacBook.

The black MacBook looks nothing like a PC. The keyboard, the way the inside bezel curves, the whole feel of it is very Mac. Does the black iPod look like a Creative player? Does the white Creative player look like an iPod, for that matter? Of course not - there's a lot more to design than color, and the black MacBook is Apple through and through.
I like the white color simply becuase it looks a lot cleaner. Though dirt and what not may show up easier. But a simple whipe with windex could solve that.

As for the extra 150 get a bigger HD.
For what it's worth, I have a Nintendo DS Lite, and it's exterior is very similar to the white macbook.

My DS takes more of a beating every day than any computer ever would, and only very light scuffs are visible on it's casing, and even then only when the light reflects off it just so.

Black is nice, White is nice, but i think the fingerprints are far more visible than the scuffs.

Also, when i see a black laptop, i'm not super impressed, but i usually do a bit of a double take when i see a white one.
If money is an issue, get white. If you are concerned about stains get black.

I certainly wouldnt like to stain a beautoful machine like a MacBook. My personal best choice is a BlackBook.

Stains happen but thats life! I really don't think people will confuse your notebook for a PC... and if they do it's thier loss!
The white looks like a toy to me. I won't be buying until at least the next revision, so hopefully they fix any flaws in the design, and maybe the black premium will come down.
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