Is that Apple's fault or HP's fault? Hmmm, I wonder.![]()
well, that is an argument, but it has been used in so many contradicting ways. It really holds no water now.
whose fault aside, if apple is "caring" about that XP users might need to download new drivers if they update to vista, apple sure should also caring about that XP users might have to buy new printer, router, scanner when they swicth to OSX.......
I upgraded a Mac and a Dell to Leopard and Vista. Both are about the same age. Leopard has all the available bells and whistles with the existing hardware. Vista installed, but the cool bells and whistles are not there because the video card needs upgrading and the memory needs a boost. So yeah, "Ask not what Vista can do for you, but what you can buy for Vista."
well, now, if you noticed that ad is asking pc users to switch, would you be kind enough to tell me how much it will cost to "upgrade" that vista machine you mentioned to leopard? and how many peripherals will be working/not working?
also, I would love to know the spec and price of those macs and dells you mentioned. It sounds interesting to me since vista has aero on Intel GMA950, and leopard needs at least 512MB memory (1G to be smooth).
Appearantly you have not tried to use a Mac before.
printer: OS X comes with drivers for most common printers. XP (some drivers), Vista, minimal
Webcam: most macs has built-in webcams. No need to tape a monster to the top of your CRT.
Video card: already installed. No need to hunt down different drivers.
soundcard: no need for additional sound card. The soundcard that comes with the Mac has zero-noticeable-noise (unlike those that comes with PCs). And all the macs has OPTICAL OUTPUT integrated.
You are the one who has the facts wrong.
Guess the white laptop on my office table with an apple logo is ..... a rock? also, the round, big, heavy, allinone, green thing with a iMac name on it is a ...bigger rock?
apparently you have no idea that half of the printers in the market don't support mac.
apparently you have no idea some mac's video card is replaceable and some mac users actually want to upgrade them
I give you camera sound card tho.
also apparently you have no idea those pc v mac ads are not targeted at existing mac users. what do you think?