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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 27, 2008
Can I get a boxee invite
calvares at gmail . com

Thanks in advance!
Looking for boxee invite for a while would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance

jjthejet (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Please may I have an invite

Could someone please send me an invite to TimLiora (at) yahoo (dot) com? Thank You!
I would love one of those...

I sure would appreciate an invite if one is still available. Thanks in advance!

asionic0305 at gmail dot com
This thread is for people to share Boxee invites.

I'm not sure how this will work out, but created a thread so it doesn't clutter up the news story thread.

I'd suggest people send requests via PM so your email addresses don't get spammed by bots that collect emails addresses on websites.


Additional note from Doctor Q: At some point, this thread will be removed or emptied, since by nature the information in it is of only temporary importance. This will protect privacy where email addresses have been posted and will discourage members from using the thread to pad their post counts.

Additional note from xUKHCx: This is a continuation of a previous thread
Mod Note:

Due to the large size of the old thread a new thread has been created. Please ask for invites here. It is strongly recommended to not post your full email address in correct format here as bots do surf websites for this type of information.
Could I get an invite please?

Could I get an invite please?

cullal at gmail dot com


Just found this on Gizmodo and I just need it - someone willing to shoot me and invite as well?


Much thanks in advance!
please send me an invite aswell at

rhamburg at xs4all dot nl

thanks so much for taking the trouble
Invites for members...

I posted this in the last thread and I'll do so again here...
I have invites available so please PM me your email address if you're interested and I'll get one out to you. I will NOT be checking this thread for requests.

Also, please note, I'm only going to be giving them out to actual Macrumors members so please have 10+ posts and have been a member for 2+ weeks before asking.

Please invite me i really want this so bad!


Owl21112(at)m e . c o m

Could someone please send me an invite to TimLiora (at) yahoo (dot) com? Thank You!

I sure would appreciate an invite if one is still available. Thanks in advance!

asionic0305 at gmail dot com

Could I get an invite please?

cullal at gmail dot com


Can someone please sent me a boxee invite. I would be so grateful!!:D:D

gordy.shumway Gmail
Thanx in advance

Just found this on Gizmodo and I just need it - someone willing to shoot me and invite as well?


Much thanks in advance!

please send me an invite aswell at

rhamburg at xs4all dot nl

thanks so much for taking the trouble

Invites sent.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this, but please, if you get an invite, than invite other people.

EDIT 2: Invites sent to Zombalicous, Vip, srakkala, and dmm219.
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