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I have two apple Tv's and I can't wait to try BOXEE.

Can someone PLEASE send an invite to

Dudical26 at gmail

Any invites left

Any more invites available. I would really appreciate one!!

casavage at

If there any any invites left I would like one.

cosm7x --*at--* yahoo -*-dot--* com

boxee invite

Would also love an invite.


g w l i n d AT g m a i l . c o m

Can i get an invite to morvajo (at) gmail (dot) com please?

thanks in advance!!
boxee invite request

Could anybody please send me an invite for boxee? I'd really appreciate it

mrjportman at hotmail dot com

Thank You

Thanks a lot buddy . I was able to set it up in minutes . Reason i decided to hack my ATV is , it is not good with my itunes . Always looses connection , cannot recognize m4v files .. all kinds of BS. I tried as i am not gonna loose anything. Boxee rocks. I love it.
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