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Boxee Invite

Can i also have a boxee invite Pls ..
I really appreciate It

Thank You..

next24hrs (at)gmail dot com

hey ..TwinCities Dan

Thanx for the invite ..

that was really fast.. u r the best

I just applied for an invite at boxee and got it within a few days. Is this thread really necessary?
I just applied for an invite at boxee and got it within a few days. Is this thread really necessary?

hmmm...I applied 43 days ago, still no answer...

But then I got an invite on this thread, I've since invited over 200 MacRumors "Friends" (some in less than one minute). So, yeah, I think this thread is necessary... :)

EDIT: vintagesea, you are also invited...
EDIT EDIT: freduruncle invited...
EDIT EDIT EDIT: wngraham invited...
Boxee Invite

Would love to install tonight if someone could please send an invite my way.

MY email is seavolvo (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Appreciate it greatly!
invite would be greatly appreciated!

If I may be so bold...anyone giving away boxee invite would be my friend forever :)

freduruncle (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks in advance!!!
Wow - post request and get an invite in 30 seconds...this place is awesome.

I've emailed the person who sent me the invitation - but wanted to thank him here as well, you know who you are!
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