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macrumors 604
Original poster
Apr 11, 2005
The Apple Picket Line: Let's tell them what we want.

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and copy and paste your own edited version of this feedback letter. Subject: Mac Pro Jr. Let's inundate them with requests.

I do not actually have an iMac. Howerver, I am looking to replace upgrade and am not able to find a suitable replacement within the Apple product lineup. The Mini is simply underpowered. It has integrated graphics, a slower hard drive and no real expandability. The new Mac Pro is an amazing machine, but since Apple stopped offering a true low end version on it's Pro tower, it is too expensive, especially considering the price of RAM for this machine, and is a little bit of overkill for my needs. The iMac really fits my hardware needs almost perfectly. It has a good CPU, user upgradeable RAM, options for video cards, and with the new 24" model, an even better high end configuration. However I don't want a built in screen, and I would like to have 2 internal drive and preferably 4 RAM slots. Ideally I would like something in between the Mini and Mac Pro with iMac like specs, a box that is not as large as the Mac Pro with a user upgradeable video card. I would want to hook it to a 23" or 30" Cinema Display. I'm not interested in using a 3rd party screen. But aesthetics matter and I find the 23" Cinema Display much more attractive than the white iMac. Truthfully I would be more interested in the iMac if it was offered in the same aluminum, but I would still have the other issues I mentioned. I think I believe I am part of an extremely large market segment that Apple is missing out on. Furthermore if Apple is truly trying to get more and more switchers, there are an incredible number of Windows users who would make the switch if a midrange tower was introduced. And if you want to sell more displays, bundle it with displays at an extra savings of $50 or $100.
Give it some time and I'll bet they have a ~1500 Mac Pro model for the entry level... the 2.0ghz Mac Pro is reasonably priced too. Personally I'm going 2.66, 2x 7300GTs, and a 23" ACD.
Nice thread, Apple needs to pull their head out of there all in one arse and offer a imac spec machine without the monitor. Stupid brown nosing marketeers in some commitee boardroom who are overpaid and not a clue that there are billions of monitors out in the real world that work fine. Having to choose between MacMini vs MacPro is ignorant,stupid,idiotic,clueless,dumb...........and thinking different.

iMac is a nice machine but like I said there are bilions of monitors on this planet that work fine and look great and those people have slim pickings when going to Apple.
DXoverDY said:
Give it some time and I'll bet they have a ~1500 Mac Pro model for the entry level... the 2.0ghz Mac Pro is reasonably priced too. Personally I'm going 2.66, 2x 7300GTs, and a 23" ACD.

Why do you need 2 7300GT's if you are only getting one screen. You know one will run at least two screens. Plus you don't get SLI...
TBi said:
Why do you need 2 7300GT's if you are only getting one screen. You know one will run at least two screens. Plus you don't get SLI...

They don't do SLI? Why the hell not?
Dont Hurt Me said:
iMac is a nice machine but like I said there are bilions of monitors on this planet that work fine and look great and those people have slim pickings when going to Apple.

All they'd have to do is price is so that a Mac Jnr + 20" screen = more expensive than a 20" iMac. Maybe sell it like the Mini without a keyboard and mouse. I'd still buy it since i don't need a monitor and people out for a whole new computer might get extra value by getting the all in one iMac.
DXoverDY said:
They don't do SLI? Why the hell not?

Ask nVidia! SLI is only supported on nVidia nForce motherboards which the mac pro doesn't have. They could enable it in future (it's just a driver restriction) but i wouldnt hold my breath.
TBi said:
Ask nVidia! SLI is only supported on nVidia nForce motherboards which the mac pro doesn't have. They could enable it in future (it's just a driver restriction) but i wouldnt hold my breath.

With that said... does apple or anyone else allow you to upgrade video cards later? In other words can I buy a second 7300GT later OR buy a whole new card later? If no SLI then I'd upgrade to the 1900XT later once there's a small price drop
I don't think Apple will ever release a headless iMac. Yes there is a market, but I would bet that 90% of the people who would like one end up buying an iMac or Mac Pro. The other 10% does not justify a new model line.

Apple does not like people modifying their own machines, it's not their business model.
Apple is still playing games trying to "force" a monitor on people who have monitors. Im a prime example with a lightning struck PC. So I have this nice beautiful 19" NEC monitor with no dead pixels:) So what are my choices? iMac isnt even in the game and no not only do I love my NEC monitor but think iMac and its chin is Fuggly. This gives me only two options little tiny with crapo graphics Mini or big expensive 2 cores more then I need workstation Powermac. I have said it before they should take that sorry SOB at Apple who dreamed up this consumer vs pro crap drag them behind a horse for a day or two before sticking them on the assembly line at a Pod factory in China. Apple needs a medium grade machine minus the monitor.
suneohair said:
SLI works in Windows according to a few reports on here.

That's where I will be doing "MOST" of my video related stuff... I wanted SLI for gaming really. But I guess if I can buy an upgraded card later I will just do that instead. Save some money for now and get the initial cost of ownership out of the way then upgrade to the x 1900xt

I'd still like SLI in OS X for aperature and maybe some final cut pro stuff later.
Hi All,Hi Al
I bet Apple have chewed this one over. From a PC background myself so whilst the iMac is very 'Apple' it's not very PC!

I have an iMac myself and I think it's the most complete (holistic) computer experience available.

Apple don't want to start building a box-of-bits like most PC's although the MacPro is arguably a rather nice box of up to 5 million options; but for a Pro market.

Could Apple make a midi-tower that sits alongside the iMac? Their desktop sales are not booming and a midi or 'Media' could be part of the switch project.

So how would Apple make it familiar to PC switchers and Apple-unique?

I'll start the ball rolling with a built-in iPod dock! Also cube-shaped!
Bibulous said:
I don't think Apple will ever release a headless iMac. Yes there is a market, but I would bet that 90% of the people who would like one end up buying an iMac or Mac Pro. The other 10% does not justify a new model line.

i agree. i totally want a headless mac with the specs of the core 2 iMacs, but apple wont do it. if they do anything, theyll drop core 2 into the minis and somehow cram a seperate video card in ther (similar to the original G4 minis that had seperate video cards)

or maybe. . . .

tomorrow apple will announce the Mac Cube II that will have a core 2 chip, full size/speed HD and a full size video card with a spare PCIX slot! oh yeah, and it will also have TV input and recording capabilities for analog AND HD. and it will be 'configured' as the special hardware needed to stream Movies to your TV that you buy off the new Movie Store in iTunes! all for only $1000 to $1500!!!
. . . oh yeah, and a built in dock for the new iPod video (which will have bluetooth!)
DXoverDY said:
With that said... does apple or anyone else allow you to upgrade video cards later? In other words can I buy a second 7300GT later OR buy a whole new card later? If no SLI then I'd upgrade to the 1900XT later once there's a small price drop
You can upgrade all you want, as long as you can find a suitable upgrade card to put in it.

suneohair said:
SLI works in Windows according to a few reports on here.

If they have then it's with a hack and not with official drivers. It might work but you may lose stability.

wPod said:
tomorrow apple will announce the Mac Cube II that will have a core 2 chip, full size/speed HD and a full size video card with a spare PCIX slot! oh yeah, and it will also have TV input and recording capabilities for analog AND HD. and it will be 'configured' as the special hardware needed to stream Movies to your TV that you buy off the new Movie Store in iTunes! all for only $1000 to $1500!!!

PCI-X? Not a hope in hell, maybe a PCI-E X1 slot. I'd be happy with a half length graphics card. I don't think you could fit a full lenght card into the cube and it would limit options enough so a lot of people will go with the mac pro keeping apple happy.
TBi said:
You can upgrade all you want, as long as you can find a suitable upgrade card to put in it.

If they have then it's with a hack and not with official drivers. It might work but you may lose stability.

PCI-X? Not a hope in hell, maybe a PCI-E X1 slot. I'd be happy with a half length graphics card. I don't think you could fit a full lenght card into the cube and it would limit options enough so a lot of people will go with the mac pro keeping apple happy.

Not a hack from what I read. The nVidia drivers detects that the cards can do SLI and you can turn it on. Doesnt get anymore official than that.
suneohair said:
Not a hack from what I read. The nVidia drivers detects that the cards can do SLI and you can turn it on. Doesnt get anymore official than that.


EDIT: Well i found one but as i thought it uses "modified" drivers I.E. hacked.
wPod said:
Bibulous said:
I don't think Apple will ever release a headless iMac. Yes there is a market, but I would bet that 90% of the people who would like one end up buying an iMac or Mac Pro. The other 10% does not justify a new model line.

i agree. i totally want a headless mac with the specs of the core 2 iMacs, but apple wont do it. if they do anything, theyll drop core 2 into the minis and somehow cram a seperate video card in ther (similar to the original G4 minis that had seperate video cards)

or maybe. . . .

tomorrow apple will announce the Mac Cube II that will have a core 2 chip, full size/speed HD and a full size video card with a spare PCIX slot! oh yeah, and it will also have TV input and recording capabilities for analog AND HD. and it will be 'configured' as the special hardware needed to stream Movies to your TV that you buy off the new Movie Store in iTunes! all for only $1000 to $1500!!!
. . . oh yeah, and a built in dock for the new iPod video (which will have bluetooth!)

Maybe! Apple have arguably shown that they can beat Dell on spec/£or$ and recent reductions in iMac prices perhaps show a willingness to review pricing. The point missed is that a midi aimed at switchers would need to be particularly cost-sensitive and upgradable and might not be the first choice of most Mac users - because that's a fairly small market and Apple have shown an amazing tenacity so far attempting to break-out of it of late!
roland.g said:
The Apple Picket Line: Let's tell them what we want.

go to

and copy and paste your own edited version of this feedback letter. Subject: Mac Pro Jr. Let's inundate them with requests.

I do not actually have an iMac. Howerver, I am looking to replace upgrade and am not able to find a suitable replacement within the Apple product lineup. The Mini is simply underpowered. It has integrated graphics, a slower hard drive and no real expandability. The new Mac Pro is an amazing machine, but since Apple stopped offering a true low end version on it's Pro tower, it is too expensive, especially considering the price of RAM for this machine, and is a little bit of overkill for my needs. The iMac really fits my hardware needs almost perfectly. It has a good CPU, user upgradeable RAM, options for video cards, and with the new 24" model, an even better high end configuration. However I don't want a built in screen, and I would like to have 2 internal drive and preferably 4 RAM slots. Ideally I would like something in between the Mini and Mac Pro with iMac like specs, a box that is not as large as the Mac Pro with a user upgradeable video card. I would want to hook it to a 23" or 30" Cinema Display. I'm not interested in using a 3rd party screen. But aesthetics matter and I find the 23" Cinema Display much more attractive than the white iMac. Truthfully I would be more interested in the iMac if it was offered in the same aluminum, but I would still have the other issues I mentioned. I think I believe I am part of an extremely large market segment that Apple is missing out on. Furthermore if Apple is truly trying to get more and more switchers, there are an incredible number of Windows users who would make the switch if a midrange tower was introduced. And if you want to sell more displays, bundle it with displays at an extra savings of $50 or $100.

I done did it... :D
Gosh said:
So how would Apple make it familiar to PC switchers and Apple-unique?

The only thing they have to do is make it Apple in every way.
I personally think they might have trouble keeping the supply up with the demand. Even if it is more than a Windows counterpart, it can run Windows, it will be reliable, and have that "cool" factor that Apple always brings. All that can substantiate a slightly higher price point.
2 internal drive bays, support for 4GB ram (realistically priced ram), decent video card
I'd buy that. Apple'd build it? Doubt it. Highly. Be a nice surprise though...Call it the MacSemiPro
I don't mind the price of the MacPro, but the size and the ram cost is too much.
Just wait a couple more weeks until I break down and order a BTO Mac Pro - then you'll be guaranteed the iMiniMacProJr is on the way.
TBi said:
PCI-X? Not a hope in hell, maybe a PCI-E

oops! thats what i ment! i didnt even know there was something called PCI X! I ment E. guess i just wasnt paying attention! i was thinking express and i guess an X just came out! lol!!!
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