for anyone interested I got the iMac fixed by an AASP, at much more inconvenience to me.
Sold on ebay along with the iphone.
Now that Win7 is here I have no need for OS X.
the guy from Apple Complaints eventually got back to me. He'd been on holiday for a week.
Clearly OS X Mail has no 'out of office'...or he has no friends....
anyhow he's sending me an iPod nano for my inconvenience, more for ebay.
good riddance, they deserve nothing less...
My goodness sounds like you had a hell of a time.
After reading over this thread, to me it sounds like your a bit of a hot head & have a quick temper, are you sure you met the Apple employees with respect off the first foot ?
I work for the Government of Canada, specifically Revenue Canada and I am a very friendly fellow. I have the entire power of the Government to help someone with a problem; if they are nice and courteous & in the same breath that entire power is there to make their life a living hell if I am treated with little to no respect.
Just a though after reading your comments, you might need some reflection time.