Sorry to the OP, but this screams amateur/student. Maybe if your 15 this is fine, just having a business card printed at that age shows ambition, so stick with it and eventually people will stop saying this about your work.
Just so your spirit isn't broken, everyone needs to start somewhere, thus I first portfolio from 2003:
As you can see, utter crap...eww really...this is badAhh back when I had the ambition of a student...and no skills. Kinda wish I could have kept that ambition though, but I digress.
Anyways compare that to today's portfolio and you can see I've come along way.
So although this card sucks, and your next 3-4 will probably suck, eventually you will stop sucking. Every designer goes through a bunch of bad work before they get good at this, it's called experience. hmm that sounded really high school guidance counselor, hope some of this makes a point or two.
I respect this post and the improvement over the course of a couple years,
takes guts to do that!
BUT ...experience, no matter how much you aquire, and I guarentee the OP will be working at WalMart in a couple of years and not in the design industry!
I went to art school, with about 30 other people in my class, we worked through 4 years of training, by very good teachers, we all graduated,
and about 5 or 6 of us are now professionals,
that was then...this is now...with the accessabilty of programs like Illustrator and Photoshop you get a huge number of people, no matter what age that want to be artists and designers... and most stink and always will....just because you can goof around with layers and set type does not mean you are a designer or an artist...or ever will be ... it takes TALENT...and with experience TALENT will grow ... but if you don't have any ... well take a look at sites on the Net, YOUTUBE gives a showcase to wanna be Director's ... and 99% of it is crap... PSLover....crap... ArtWorld...crap...some shine through beccause of talent, not programs.
...just my honest thoughts.