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Which watch to get?

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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 17, 2011
Hey guys. I’m planning on buying an Apple Watch Nike Series 7 GPS. Do you guys think it’s worth waiting for series 8 to come out or spend the money now and get the 7 series?



macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2013
Plenty of people have bought the series 7 now and are very happy with it.

Personally I’m waiting. I decided to skip series 6 with plans of purchasing series 7; however, when series 7 was announced to have the same battery life and same processor as series 6, I decided to hold out for another year. I’m very excited for series 8 to come out.
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macrumors newbie
May 22, 2022
there was a huge discount during mothers day weekend at microcenter and that was the best time to buy the 7gps (320+tax). considering full price, id wait for the 8. if you can get the 7 for cheaper go for it.
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macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2016
Southern California
I would wait and see what the new watch has to offer over the series 7. If the series 8 is enough of an improvement over the series 7, then you may want to purchase the series 8. If not, you will see retailers trying to get rid of their stock of series 7 watches and offering some pretty good discounts.


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
I went with the SE as my first Apple Watch. If you’re asking then price has some relevance so then it’s a personal assessment that needs to be done. I was sceptical about whether Apple Watch was for me, so I think it made sense to go low end. and the resale on the cheaper watches is better.

I’m no longer sceptical. The watch isn’t prefect but it‘s really pretty good.

I’m also getting older. The further I was away from 40 (on the minus side) the less I’d care about the health features. I’m over 40, so they’re more important to me.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Three months? Probably more like five months. Series 7 was announced in September, and available in October. Then you have the issue of actually getting your hands on one due to the supply constraints. The S7 got sold out/backordered pretty quickly.
At this point in time, that's the average recommendation. Wait if you can and want the latest, buy if you need.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2007
I had the same question. Ended up getting a mint condition one for $250 online. I am happy with that, can hopefully sell it for not much less locally when the series 8 comes out.

But if only buying new, I’d just wait
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macrumors 68020
Nov 10, 2006
Typically I tell people to wait this late. But the S7 is fast, has the large screen. I’m sure the S8 will be faster but it’s a watch. Not sure it needs to be faster.

If you need it now get it on sale. Otherwise wait for the S8 but something better is always 12 months away lol.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 18, 2010
Where's the “It depends!” choice in the poll?! ?

I'm in the same boat, but one factor is that spring, summer, and early are great times for walking and hiking — and needing good exercise and walking tracking, fall detection, Emergency SOS, phoning home if no phone, and good distance and steps tracking.

I've been flabbergasted at how poor, variable, and inconsistent the Health app's steps and distance measurement are on two iPhone SEs.

One of them often gives half the number of steps of the other; the “good” one the other day reported *less* mileage than it had several earlier times even though I had gone farther. The “bad” one, for once, got the mileage correct, but steps were woefully undercounted.

OTOH, generally the best time to buy any tech device is right after a new version comes out — either get the new one and have a full year of enjoyment before the next comes out, or get the old old at a discount and know that the features of the new one (including cost) weren’t worth it to you!
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macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2012
in the same boat, my AW3 is toiling. really torn, know if i buy an AW7 i will have envy looking at the 8, but then thats going to happen within a year when i see the 9. plus it means another 4 months of hoping my 3 lasts.

the swinger might be today. the last 3 games of golf, 2 of them in the afternoon, my watch died before the end. On monday i played in the morning and it just about lasted. think that will push me from want to need. Alas no discounts on here (portugal) at moment.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2011
I always get my Apple Watches at the end of the season before the new one is coming out. Right now I can't think of anything that would be worth paying the extra for the Apple Watch 8 over the savings I would get over the Apple Watch 7. There might be better battery life but the battery on the seven does what I need it to do. I will upgrade again around Apple Watch 10
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macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2013
My plan was to wait on buying a new AW until the 8 came out as I just sold my series 4 to be at the ready. However a good deal on the 45mm series 7 in green ($308) showed up a few days ago online, so that did it for me. Plus I had a couple unused Target gift cards too. To me, I’m not sure the series 8 is going to be enough of an upgrade to spend an extra hundred plus. Good luck with your decision.
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