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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 11, 2010
I'm just wondering if I should buy an iPad right now, or wait to see if there will be an updated version with some sort of camera or something.
I was having the same thoughts. The way I look at it though is that with the popularity of the iPad I can always turn around and sell it for a decent price when the new one comes out. I went for it and am now patiently waiting! Hah, good luck with whatever you decide!

Really, no reason to wait unless you're really strapped for cash.

You'll get many months of use out of it before the new model comes out. Then you can pass it down to a family member, or sell it.
seeing as the ipad isn't even launched in all countries yet you might be waiting a bit for the update. Demand is way higher than supply at the moment and there isn't a competitive tablet out there so there is no reason for them to update it before next spring.
Yes, you may want to consider getting it now, it's still a great time. The next version will most likely not be announced until a special keynote date comes around (that will be... possibly in late January or early February).
You have to ask yourself this question:

if anything is added to the iPad, will it make a difference to how I plan to use it?

For example, let's say they add a camera. By camera, I mean a front-facing one for use with FaceTime, because I can't imagine anything more ridiculous than a stills camera on the back of an iPad and lugging it about to take pictures with. So, it has FaceTime with it - but you're still going to have to hold it up to your eye level, or sit hunched over it, to get a decent shot of yourself video-conferencing with someone. Also, FaceTime is a gimmick at the moment - it'll take maybe two years before it starts becoming something people are interested in using - even then, it's doubtful that it'll catch on, as the current generation just can't get to grips with the idea of making a call and speaking to someone face-to-face.

So, what else could they add that would make it any better than it already is?

A better display? Sure, it might make it slightly better, but not by much. however, I've noticed that images can sometimes be a little pixelated on it - but I suspect that's a rendering issue that can be dealt with. The iPhone 4 screen is pretty nice, and I suspect iPad will get something like it soon, but it won't make a massive overall difference.

A better speaker? Again, to what end? The little speaker it has suffices, but I suppose it could be made even better.

Faster processor or more memory? Again, it depends what you want it for. It's already pretty fast, slick and I got a 32gb that I haven't even filled yet.

Just get one - or don't - you'll love it when you do, but if you keep waiting on something else being added, you'll never get one.
I'm just wondering if I should buy an iPad right now, or wait to see if there will be an updated version with some sort of camera or something.

Depends on if you think you really need it now.

But you could buy one now and resell it for a decent price as long as you take good care of it and pay a little extra and get the new one.
The way I look at it: if it got a camera, so what? I have my iPhone 4 which is always with me, I'll just use that for the camera. There's not much else they could do.

It's still a great machine, and they won't update it anytime soon for 2 reasons:

1. It's not even released in all the countries Apple sell to yet.
2. On the Apple Store its on the top row, along with the iPhone, and the iPod lineup, which are all updated on a yearly basis. Whereas the bottom row (Macs) don't have scheduled updates. This one's just a guess but it's perfectly possible.
Buy what you need, when you need it, and when you financially can.

Soonest the second iPad can come out is maybe in Spring of 2011. If you want to wait 9 months or more, go ahead.

Otherwise, get it now.
Same sentiments here. I just bought an iPad.
I thought about waiting but then I realized that the new ipad wont come out for at least 9 months. This is especially true when you consider the fact that the iPad is still selling out completely. If sales keep up like this (especially with the holiday season coming up), Apple wont want to make a "major revision anytime soon.
At most, I see a minor refresh coming next spring with a camera, maybe higher resolution (Not Retina Display quality. Much too expensive on such a large screen), and more RAM. Don't really see the need for a faster processor, but I guess it's possible. The iPad is really fast as it is
You should never buy the current version. Always wait for the updated version.
You should never buy the current version. Always wait for the updated version.

So what your saying is, "Never buy anything when it comes out. Always wait until the utmost newest version comes out before they never update it again."

You can keep on waiting for the next bigger and better thing while I'll enjoy my iPad. I'll sell my iPad and upgrade in the future when I need to.
So what your saying is, "Never buy anything when it comes out. Always wait until the utmost newest version comes out before they never update it again."

You can keep on waiting for the next bigger and better thing while I'll enjoy my iPad. I'll sell my iPad and upgrade in the future when I need to.

Sorry, I forgot to include a sarcasm smiley.
On a personal note, I have held off simply because the iPad feels outdated when compared to the iPhone 4. Lower pixel count, no front facing camera, no camera period, less RAM.....

Still no iOS 4 for that matter - not complaining, I am well aware they aren't late with it.

Makes it a bit of a tough sell now - at least for me. Other's opinions are clearly different and that's ok too.
On a personal note, I have held off simply because the iPad feels outdated when compared to the iPhone 4. Lower pixel count, no front facing camera, no camera period, less RAM.....

Still no iOS 4 for that matter - not complaining, I am well aware they aren't late with it.

Makes it a bit of a tough sell now - at least for me. Other's opinions are clearly different and that's ok too.

Lower pixel count? iPad: 1024x768... iPhone 4: 960x640..

You don't need a camera.

Why do you care about the RAM? iPhone 3GS can run everything the iPhone 4 can perfectly fine, and the iPad has a 1Ghz A4 chip whereas I'm sure the iPhone 4 has it underclocked A LOT.
Lower pixel count? iPad: 1024x768... iPhone 4: 960x640..

You don't need a camera.

Why do you care about the RAM? iPhone 3GS can run everything the iPhone 4 can perfectly fine, and the iPad has a 1Ghz A4 chip whereas I'm sure the iPhone 4 has it underclocked A LOT.

You know full well I meant to say density. Get over it.

You know I don't need a camera? You don't think that perhaps a crippled computer should at least do a video chat?

And your 3GS comment is just not true.

You know, I was being quite reasonable and I have now seen 2 snarky comments to mine. This forum is really a disaster these days.
Why do you care about the RAM? iPhone 3GS can run everything the iPhone 4 can perfectly fine
Uh, no. I have a 3GS that I use extensively. I have a lot of friends and co-workers with iPhone 4s that I can compare to. And your statement is not at all true. iOS 4 turned the 3G into a useless device and severely hinders the 3GS. You really need an iPhone 4 in order to use iOS 4. The craptacular implementation of multi-tasking, combined with other new inefficiencies, makes everything on the 3GS so much slower, but the iPhone 4's additional RAM and faster processor masks that problem fairly well.

To the thread starter, I would say buy the iPad now if you intend to use it now, i.e. if you have a reason to want one. However, until they release a version with more RAM, I would be extremely hestitant to upgrade it to iOS 4 (when that's even available on the iPad). I'm considering buying one now specifically so that it doesn't have iOS 4 pre-installed and unremovable (legitimately).
Uh, no. I have a 3GS that I use extensively. I have a lot of friends and co-workers with iPhone 4s that I can compare to. And your statement is not at all true. iOS 4 turned the 3G into a useless device and severely hinders the 3GS.

That's not true at all. I have a 3GS that I use as a development device. I have been running iOS4 since beta 1 and it is simply not that slow. The only time I ever see any slow down at all is when OpenGL games start up, but the slow-down seems to last just a few seconds while it swaps the other programs out.

The craptacular implementation of multi-tasking, combined with other new inefficiencies

The multi-tasking implementation is fine, they've done a good job of it. The only time I can really cause my phone to need a reboot is when I'm trying to debug one of my own applications and I've done something stupid in my application logic.

To the thread starter, I would say buy the iPad now if you intend to use it now, i.e. if you have a reason to want one. However, until they release a version with more RAM, I would be extremely hestitant to upgrade it to iOS 4 (when that's even available on the iPad). I'm considering buying one now specifically so that it doesn't have iOS 4 pre-installed and unremovable (legitimately).

I just don't get your hatred of iOS4. I don't know, maybe you play lots of games (I don't really play games), and maybe in your case it does suffer, but generally speaking iOS4 seems like a great improvement to me. I'll certainly install it on my iPad as soon as I can because the enhancements to Mail are worth it alone.
Dang it. Forum ate my original response...

I probably over-emphasize. My 3GS still has acceptable performance. I never find myself waiting on it in frustration like the 3G+iOS4 users. But where once I could get a stock price rerfesh in milliseconds ("instantaneous"), it now takes 1-2 seconds (noticeable delay). That's still under the threshhold of annoyance, and for all practical purposes, a non-issue. But it's also 10x slower than it used to be.

This pattern I find throughout. Things that were snappy aren't any longer, but aren't slow either. And things that were slow are slower still, but waiting is waiting, so what's the difference.

From a features perspective, iOS 4 rocks. I won't deny that. But it really did make everything slower, and since I have fond memories of everything being fast, it's a hard thing to cope with.

The iPad's snappiness is a key aspect of the device. It's always on. It makes the internet always there. Etc. Bloat it with too many fancy software features, and it starts to feel more like a computer. Allow too much to run in the background, and it'll have to be plugged in or turned off, killing its convenience. If things take too long to load, might has well get a netbook for 1/3 the price. There is a fine line there, and I don't want to see it crossed. Performance is a feature too.
Dang it. Forum ate my original response...

I probably over-emphasize. My 3GS still has acceptable performance. I never find myself waiting on it in frustration like the 3G+iOS4 users. But where once I could get a stock price rerfesh in milliseconds ("instantaneous"), it now takes 1-2 seconds (noticeable delay). That's still under the threshhold of annoyance, and for all practical purposes, a non-issue. But it's also 10x slower than it used to be.

This pattern I find throughout. Things that were snappy aren't any longer, but aren't slow either. And things that were slow are slower still, but waiting is waiting, so what's the difference.

From a features perspective, iOS 4 rocks. I won't deny that. But it really did make everything slower, and since I have fond memories of everything being fast, it's a hard thing to cope with.

iOS 4 on a 2008 and 2009 device is sub-optimal. That doesn't automatically equate to it being similarly slow on the iPad. The iPad was introduced with the intention of going to iOS4, so unless Apple wants yet another PR nightmare, they'll have optimized it for the iPad by the time it's released (more RAM on the iPhone means they could implement a clunkier version there quicker).
You know full well I meant to say density. Get over it.

You know I don't need a camera? You don't think that perhaps a crippled computer should at least do a video chat?

And your 3GS comment is just not true.

You know, I was being quite reasonable and I have now seen 2 snarky comments to mine. This forum is really a disaster these days.

Did you say 'snarky'?
Buy it now

While there is talk of different sized models coming out later this year, it's just talk. I can't believe there will be any substantive improvements until spring 2011. I bought my IPad on day one and use it every day for things that I rarely use either my computer or Iphone for.

1. "Dated" now that the Iphone4 is out: Ok. IPad owners let's face it - the Iphone 4 is the newest, shiniest toy on the shelf, and some people (myself included) always want the newest toy. However, the Ipad is in NO WAY dated or does it feel dated. It is still the only product like it on the market and may be so, remarkably, until next year. Many people have Iphones or other great smartphones. No one has the Ipad or a product like it. I always hate just comparing specs because so often differences in specs don't really change performance. (e.g. the Iphone 4's photo quality has been rated better than many phone camera's with higher megapixel counts). The Ipad is amazingly fast and the screen looks amazingly great. That's what really counts.

2. Will OS4 slow the IPad down? Who knows, but my experience with my 3Gs indicates the answer is "no." In fact, I think my 3Gs is in many ways quicker using OS4. The most likely result is that the Ipad, which is way more powerful than the 3gs, will handle OS4 beautifully.
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