I'm just wondering if I should buy an iPad right now, or wait to see if there will be an updated version with some sort of camera or something.
You should never buy the current version. Always wait for the updated version.
So what your saying is, "Never buy anything when it comes out. Always wait until the utmost newest version comes out before they never update it again."
You can keep on waiting for the next bigger and better thing while I'll enjoy my iPad. I'll sell my iPad and upgrade in the future when I need to.
On a personal note, I have held off simply because the iPad feels outdated when compared to the iPhone 4. Lower pixel count, no front facing camera, no camera period, less RAM.....
Still no iOS 4 for that matter - not complaining, I am well aware they aren't late with it.
Makes it a bit of a tough sell now - at least for me. Other's opinions are clearly different and that's ok too.
Lower pixel count? iPad: 1024x768... iPhone 4: 960x640..
You don't need a camera.
Why do you care about the RAM? iPhone 3GS can run everything the iPhone 4 can perfectly fine, and the iPad has a 1Ghz A4 chip whereas I'm sure the iPhone 4 has it underclocked A LOT.
Uh, no. I have a 3GS that I use extensively. I have a lot of friends and co-workers with iPhone 4s that I can compare to. And your statement is not at all true. iOS 4 turned the 3G into a useless device and severely hinders the 3GS. You really need an iPhone 4 in order to use iOS 4. The craptacular implementation of multi-tasking, combined with other new inefficiencies, makes everything on the 3GS so much slower, but the iPhone 4's additional RAM and faster processor masks that problem fairly well.Why do you care about the RAM? iPhone 3GS can run everything the iPhone 4 can perfectly fine
Uh, no. I have a 3GS that I use extensively. I have a lot of friends and co-workers with iPhone 4s that I can compare to. And your statement is not at all true. iOS 4 turned the 3G into a useless device and severely hinders the 3GS.
The craptacular implementation of multi-tasking, combined with other new inefficiencies
To the thread starter, I would say buy the iPad now if you intend to use it now, i.e. if you have a reason to want one. However, until they release a version with more RAM, I would be extremely hestitant to upgrade it to iOS 4 (when that's even available on the iPad). I'm considering buying one now specifically so that it doesn't have iOS 4 pre-installed and unremovable (legitimately).
Dang it. Forum ate my original response...
I probably over-emphasize. My 3GS still has acceptable performance. I never find myself waiting on it in frustration like the 3G+iOS4 users. But where once I could get a stock price rerfesh in milliseconds ("instantaneous"), it now takes 1-2 seconds (noticeable delay). That's still under the threshhold of annoyance, and for all practical purposes, a non-issue. But it's also 10x slower than it used to be.
This pattern I find throughout. Things that were snappy aren't any longer, but aren't slow either. And things that were slow are slower still, but waiting is waiting, so what's the difference.
From a features perspective, iOS 4 rocks. I won't deny that. But it really did make everything slower, and since I have fond memories of everything being fast, it's a hard thing to cope with.
You know full well I meant to say density. Get over it.
You know I don't need a camera? You don't think that perhaps a crippled computer should at least do a video chat?
And your 3GS comment is just not true.
You know, I was being quite reasonable and I have now seen 2 snarky comments to mine. This forum is really a disaster these days.