If I'm not going pro, Pentax K10D over Canon 400D/XTi. The bare minimum Canon I'd go for is the 40D.
Yes, but all I meant is that I wouldn't buy the 400D/XTi. If I was insistent on buying a Canon, I would need to buy at least the 40D, or the 30D (if he can find one).
One downside to Pentax is they currently manufacture a fairly limited range of lenses, and Pentax lenses tend to be more expensive than their Canon or Nikon equivalents.
Also, while it's fun to look at all the options that are available from each manufacturer, it's far more important to look at the components you will actually buy. While I find Canon's tilt-shift lenses pretty cool, I'm never going to buy one.
Cameras don't get worse with age....only cheaper. The K10D was given award after award in 2006 and beginning of 2007. It still takes great photos.
This is completely fallacious, Pentax lenses are almost always cheaper than their Canon or Nikon Equivalents. And they have every single realistic lens that anyone could ever need. ...
...But the other 2 are ultra high quality lenses from Pentax. You would make a better comparison between them and the Canon L equivalent...
I just went through all this and ended up with a NIkon d40
www.dpreview.com was a great resource in making a decision, as was a site run by Ken Rockwell: http://www.kenrockwell.com/index.htm
OK, admittedly, I've never used either. But the idea that the $300 Pentax f/2.0 35mm lens should be more accurately compared to the $1120 Canon F/1.4L 35mm lens is a little, well, not believable. Pentax does not have any equivalent high-end lenses to the Canon L series (at least not currently in production--except maybe the Tokina/Pentax 50-135 f/2.8), especially in the telephoto range. Pentax users tend to point to the FA series as L equivalent, but the reality is that they are at least 1 stop slower than the L lenses.
On the other hand, Canon doesn't make those neat little pancake lenses like Pentax's 21mm f/3.2, 40mm f/2.8, and 70mm f/2.4.
Also, it may be fine for many users that Pentax doesn't have any L level glass. None of my four lenses are L series. I don't know that I'll ever own one either. They are expensive, to be sure.