you cant be serious. the mileage for a car that small is awful-you can get the same, if not better, mileage in a car 3x the size, such as a civic or corolla. AND, the smart car uses PREMIUM gas. are you saving money using premium gas? no. wasting money. again, for a car the size of my dresser, dont you think $12,000 is too much for a car with NO A/C, NO radio, NO power steering, and only 3 colors?
dont believe everything the commercials tell you. smart cars are terrible buys.
Smart Cars does have A/C and Radio but Power Steering are an option. Besides, have you driven a Smart Car? Due to its size, power steering is literally optional unless you have weak arms.
The engine itself can be better, I'd admit that.
I think you'd say that $9000 bucks is too much for a bike that has no Power steering, no radio, no a/c, a handful of colors, and I only get ~34 mpg average on a 600cc (0.6L). And I use premium gas.