How many of you will buy the movie from Apple Tv vs just buying a DVD that you can play in any DVD ? New Apple Tv owner checking in.
Why download when you can have the actual disk and rip or watch it as needed.
I have one Question i lost a bunch of purchased movies off of itunes when my harddrive failed on my windows machine how do i recover them as i just see basicly buy or rent
I plan to move to all digital when my rip/conversion project is complete.
1. Make backups
2. Call Apple
Up to this point I've been using my own DVDs, but that's because I'm working through DVDs I already own. I'm nearing the end of that so it will be interesting to see what happens.
I've tried out that MakeMKV app (or something like that, makemymkv? I can't remember off the top of my head, there's a long thread in this forum) with some blurays and they look REALLY good after converting with Handbrake.
I would LOVE to be able to get the movies/tv shows from iTunes because then they download automatically and add the information that I have to do manually.
I've done that a few times (purchased the BluRay, ripped it and then put in the pile with the DVDs.. but I don't even have a BluRay player). I think that it defeats the purpose of having everything on the AppleTV if you're still buying the discs and then storing them.
I think it's just going to take a change of mindset to get over NOT buying a physical copy. It's like, for me at least, a big mental barrier.
I much prefer (now) having "soft" copies of my movie collection on my Mac and thus available through numerous ATVs. Apart from anything else, it means that I don't have to have DVDs to hand, and those are now all boxed up.
Lately though, I have been buying movies through iTunes, and this works fine, especially as they give you a lower-res version for your iPhone/Touch too. The iTunes store remembers your purchases, so you can always recover purchased content if you lose it. iTunes content also comes pre-tagged, and much of the library is available in HD, which avoids the rather tedious process of ripping BluRay movies and is better quality than DVD.
The only downside of purchasing through the iTunes Store, as I see it, is that HD content is limited to 720p, whereas Blu Ray is full 1080p. Movies that I feel benefit from the full Blu Ray treatment I have purchased on disk, and I'll rip those to my Mac at some point in the future, if and when ATV can handle 1080p content.
For the time being the "full" quality stuff is iTunes and the iPod/iPhone copy is just in folders. I have a separate library for my music (until I'm done all my ripping, then I'll merge them).
I'd love to go digital - DVDs take up so much space (if you have a big collection) and a file can actually be used in more places (phones, computers/laptops etc). Also, the itunes versions should be higher quality than DVD rips as they can encode from the master copy straight to H264 rather than going through MPEG2. Unfortunately DVDs offer multiple soundtracks, subtitles/trivia tracks, DTS audio and extras. Apple seem to be catching up with extras, but so far no multiple audio (ie English/Japanese/Commentary), no standard for DTS-in-m4v yet, no soft subtitles and not all the extras (surely there could be a link to the HD trailers that Apple typically hosts)?
With HD, I'll stick with BluRay for now.
Likewise for music, when iTunes starts selling iTunes LP with ALAC files I'll start buying digital.
There have been a handful of titles released to the iTunes Store that have multiple soundtracks (main/commentary). There are also titles that have soft subtitles included. It really is out of Apple's control; they offer whatever the studio gives them.
What profile are you using in Handbrake to convert the 1080 mkv file to? I would imagine Apple TV, then do you just adjust the rest to 1280x whatever?
I think I trie one once and on my Core Duo took like 5 hours to encode, whats your average time?
I've always preferred a DVD/CD/BR disk to downloading as I have a physical disk.
Quality is also original to what the producers made and not compromised by any form of compression.