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Main reason for buying movies on ATV instead of buying more DVDs
1. Future is toward digital world and I want to be there.
2. My hard copy DVDs taking up too much space around my already huge entertainment center.
3. Convenience of downloading in there and if your ATV screws up, you can always download it for free. If your DVD scratches/crack for whatever reason, you have to buy another copy while paying either full price or cheaper as time passes.
4. Buying beats renting on digital for me as I want to keep the movies I watch in case I feel like watching it again later with my gf or my family or friends!:D
i'd rather buy my own, rent them or get them... Apple store costs anywhere between 9-15 per dvd doanloaded, where as you can get them and resale them or something and possibly make a few bucks back eventually...

apple store costs way too damn much to be buying movies from, only do it when there is a sale, which is not too often:)
Main reason for buying movies on ATV instead of buying more DVDs
1. Future is toward digital world and I want to be there.
2. My hard copy DVDs taking up too much space around my already huge entertainment center.
3. Convenience of downloading in there and if your ATV screws up, you can always download it for free. If your DVD scratches/crack for whatever reason, you have to buy another copy while paying either full price or cheaper as time passes.
4. Buying beats renting on digital for me as I want to keep the movies I watch in case I feel like watching it again later with my gf or my family or friends!:D

I don't understand some of your logic...

1. You can rip any DVD you buy into ANY digital format, which means you're not stuck with a proprietary Apple format. In fact, you're more prepared for the "digital age" because you're ready for any shift in hardware.

2. Space seems like a non-issue to me, except if you have thousands and thousands of DVD's. If it's really an issue, you could always throw away the box (or scan the cover art and store it for later) and organize the DVDs into sleeves.

3. If the physical media you have ever get's destroyed (which really shouldn't happen if you exercise some care), you can always re-burn your DVD.

4. I agree with you on this point. I like to purchase movies to show my parents or girlfriend or other friends.
I don't own an apple TV YET.:eek: But, I prefer to buy physical media, I like to look for movies that contain a digital copy. That way I can get the high quality Blu-ray plus a copy for my iPhone and future apple TV.
I buy from iTunes when they have a movie I like for $4.99 (weekly specials). Otherwise, I buy a hard copy. ... But mostly I rent. :eek:
I buy from iTunes when they have a movie I like for $4.99 (weekly specials). Otherwise, I buy a hard copy. ... But mostly I rent. :eek:

I don't buy many movies, but I do like to get full TV show seasons when they are on offer, as they can work out cheaper than getting them on DVD.
Also some of the TV show titles in HD are cheaper than BluRay, and although the quality obviously isn't quite the same, they still look great, and it also means I don't have to buy a BR player (obviously 720p may not be acceptable quality for some, but it's ok IMO).
I buy from iTunes when they have a movie I like for $4.99 (weekly specials). Otherwise, I buy a hard copy. ... But mostly I rent. :eek:
Yep, they have some good deals.

Renting via the iTMS is convenient. :)

It's enjoyable watching these types of discussions. I remember when records were the flavor of the day. No one thought that CDs would replace them but look at where we are at today. IMHO, I think convenience will outweigh other factors in the long run.
I have never bought a movie from iTunes, this is mainly because of download speed/limit, plus the price, usually I can buy the movie on DVD cheaper than I could download it.

I only really buy DVD's that I really like and If they have fancy packaging, extras etc. it makes it all the more worth it. Also with more movies getting Digital Copies I can get the best of both worlds.
I NEVER buy DVD's and I typically will only buy Blu Ray discs if there is a movie that isn't on iTunes (Pan's Labyrinth) or if the Blu Ray disc includes a digital copy.

The advantages of digital copies (iTunes purchases) for me are:

1. You library is indexed, categorized, and available at the touch of a button (you can even have a touch screen remote with Apples free "Remote" app). My DVD collection, on the other hand, is scattered about the house (darn kids!), put in the wrong boxes, scratched and not in alphabetical or really ANY order.

2. Digital copies are portable on a device I carry around with me anyway: my iPhone. We like to go to dinner out as a family sometimes, and the only thing we can do to keep our toddlers from trying to escape from their high chairs is to give them a movie to watch while my wife and I finish eating.

3. The buying convenience is great. For instance, it's too early for stores to be open right now, but Disney's "Up" was just released today! The iTunes store, on the other hand, is running as always and if I wanted "Up" right this minute, I press a button and it's ready to play in minutes; no waiting for a mail order, and no getting up to go to the store, etc.

I could elaborate and list even more reasons, but I think those are the key points for me, anyway.
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