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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 3, 2005
Hampton Roads, Virginia
This is pointless to really bring up as a serious problem but...

Is there a way to buy specific parts from a third-party vendor that is compatible with a Powerbook 12"?

Well, here's the specific thing:

You know those little nubbin's on the bottom of a laptop? Made of rubber and/or plastic? Well, one of mine "fell off" or something, so not it wobbles, and I lack the willpower to deface the computer even more by removing the same nubbin on the other side of the computer.

So. -_-

Yes. -_-

I'm really asking this.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Yes ... or you can try stopping at an Apple Store to see if they will Superglue a new foot on for free.
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