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me too

Ok,this message just started popping up and it has never happened before. Here is a clue ... I am on vacation. I am not in my usual area. In fact, i am in a pretty rural area . I rebooted, checked the settings etc. I am sure it is not the phone but an att problem . For those on this thead that keep calling for or insisting that its a phone setting prpblem please stop. My calls to att were a waste of time. Any new news please post. Thank you
when i was in mexico (international) i got "call fowarding dismissed" message that would pop up when i made a outgoing call.. but never got that message when i was in the us... idk just throwing it out there might be a :apple: thing
You will get it in the US when the person you are calling has their number being forwarded. This is not a problem and has nothing to do with your settings. (Unless you are roaming) It is just a warning that your call to JoJos cell phone is being forwarded to his office.

You will get it in the US when the person you are calling has their number being forwarded. This is not a problem and has nothing to do with your settings. (Unless you are roaming) It is just a warning that your call to JoJos cell phone is being forwarded to his office.

Wrong. In testing this I called my house which is and was not forwarded!!! I am back in my normal calling area now and all is well. I am telling you this is a bug in which att is involved. In my return home through two states it happened about 30% of the time and I was calling my home number everytime .
OK so i just got off the phone with att because I had the exact same message pop up when i dial one particular person.

the att person was unable to help me but went so far as to offer to send me a new iphone!

so anyway i called the person who is on T-Mobile/GSM. He explained that he forwards his voice mail to a different number -- meaning the message only comes up when i cant reach him and end up in his voice mail system.

the same message pops on his phone (he has some sort of blackberry) but only for a brief second -- whereas the iphone implementation pops up a message box with the "dismiss" button

bottom line is that appears to be a GSM thing. but i am tempted to get me a replacement phone just for kicks :)
DO IT!!!
Doesn't matter if its the iPhone or not. I have a Razr via ATT, and have seen that message off an on at least for a few weeks, most often when I was recently on vacation in South Carolina.

It does not mean your calling party's number is forwarded. That much I know with 100% certainty. My best guess as a telecom engineer just means it's telling you, should another call come in to your phone, as others have said, your call forwarding is activated. IE, the 2nd call if you dont answer, goes to voicemail, which is an example of call forwarding. And that specific instance is always active by default.

My guess is someone missed an "on/off" checkbox in some settings as areas were getting updated, as I've never seen it otherwise prior to summer 2007, and have had GSM phones for pretty much as long as they've been out
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My guess? I bet it has to do with the tower you're connected to. The older towers do this.

Why only on certain phones? Same reason why some websites work on IE, and not on safari: Safari doesn't bend or break the rules.

I'm sure this message was once a useful feature, but now it's been reduced to a mere annoyance at best.

EDIT: for the record, I've seen this randomly occur on virtually every phone I've owned in the past six years.
I am currently on vacation in Lake Placid NY with 5 other people all with AT&T phones. We have been coming here for 5 years every summer and we have seen and continue on this trip to see this message on every one of our phones (Nokias, RAZRs and iPhone) on every outgoing call. The first time I saw it I called AT&T and was told it was normal and caused by the fact that the AT&T network was built by acquiring and/or partnering with a number of large and small cellular networks. I believe you will continue to see this message in areas that are contractually part of the AT&T network, but in which the technology has not yet been fully integrated and/or updated to the latest standards.
In Southern California it pops up only when the party you are calling has his phone being forwarded. That can include voicemail. Seems that the posters with different issues in other parts of the country have carrier problems. It is not iPhone specific. I agree with dmweinst post above as well.
This popup has just started happening to me since:
1) I got iPhone in June (prior AT&T customer)
2) only person I call and I get the message with has moved and changed number to new ATT number which I am calling (and has forwarding on from old att number to new att number)

I think it is the ATT network that is getting networks confused.

In this case, I have a Massachusetts number calling out of Virginia to a friend with a Texas number which is forwarding from a Maryland number.

Its a wonder the thing works at all.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1C28 Safari/419.3)

I've wondered the same thing!
its normal happens to some people using certain networks and doesn't show up on certain networks..

i didn't have it until i set up the voicemail service.. now everytime i make a call, popup comes

i tried to switch on/off the forwarding at setting, popup is gone so is my voicemail service... weird

voicemail is a little more important than the pop up tho.

my girl doesn't have this problem, but when she gets a voicemail her phone will keep ringing from the provider until she picks up and listen the
if I use ##004# it disables my voicemail

I was getting the "call forwarding popup" and used ##004# it got rid of the popup but it deactivated my voice mail and every time I reactivate my voicemail dialing 1750 the popup apears again. So I have to choose between having my voicemail or the stupid popup everytime I make a call. Im using an american unlocked iphone with O2 UK. Can anyone help please.
I'm using an unlocked iPhone in Ireland and I only get this popup when calling one number. Unfortunately the number is the O2 Topup line which I call a lot.

I haven't gotten this message when calling any other number.
Solution for thi problem...

Found this in other forum:

How to hide "Call forwarding active" message...

This only works with 1.1.1 firmware

Well, some people get a "call forwarding active" message every time they do a call.

There is a simple way to hide this message:

Download the file on your iPhone called found at /var/root/Library/Preferences/ and edit the key ShowCallForwarding to be <false/>. Reboot! There you go, you don't get that annoying message anymore :)

There are two settings in

ShowCallForwarding: Message shown on outgoing calls, if your number is beeing forwarded.
ShowCallForwarded: Message shown on incoming calls, if caller has been forwarded to you.
Worked for me

If you have SSH installed you can do the following (it worked for me)

1.-Access via ssh to this route:

/ private / var / mobile / Library / Carrier Bundle.bundle / part in bold depends on your carrier, if the name you choose your carrier, if not the name of your carrier you choose the route above. In the case of movistar this is the path:

/ System / Library / Carrier Bundles / Telefonica_es.bundle

2 .- Download the file and edit carrier.plist converts with LINK.


<key> ShowCallForwarded </ key>
And be sure that puts
After looking
<key> ShowCallForwarding </ key>
and again put

Save and it is ready

PS. Translated from spanish with google.

PS2. From Link
I've looked into it at my operator in Slovenia. I have an iphone 3GS, and I'm also getting the message "call fowarding active". And that although my call forwarding in my phone is set to off. This is because I have another future enabled. I don't know how your operators are warning you about your missed calls, but we get, like a message from the person who was trying to call us, but we were temporarily unavailable or there was no signal. And even though that future is enabled at my operator and not on my phone, we're stil getting this message. It's like a notification for this particular future. But it goes away in a matter of seconds so I don't really see the problem. I hope I've helped,

best regards

i used the ##002# code to try to (unsuccessfully) get rid of the call forwarding active pop up.

now my voicemail is unreachable.
how can i re-activate the forwarding.
I am using an australian Iphone on German o2 network (should be easy to solve).. they say it is active (it is, i can call and hear that i have no messages, surprise surprise, as none are getting forwarded)
does anyone know the code to reactivate all that I've lost thanks to the ##002# call..
and i'm very new, so use words your mum would understand..
i used the ##002# code to try to (unsuccessfully) get rid of the call forwarding active pop up.

now my voicemail is unreachable.
how can i re-activate the forwarding.
I am using an australian Iphone on German o2 network (should be easy to solve).. they say it is active (it is, i can call and hear that i have no messages, surprise surprise, as none are getting forwarded)
does anyone know the code to reactivate all that I've lost thanks to the ##002# call..
and i'm very new, so use words your mum would understand..

Well, on O2 UK it is 1750, so you could try dialling that.
FIX for this annoying popup

Everytime i make a call, a little popup comes up that says "Call Forwarding Active" with a button that says dismiss. I can either hit the button or it just goes away after a few seconds.

Anybody else getting this or know what this means? I checked the settings and call forwarding isn't turned on....and i'm receiving calls as normal. Just curious why it says that everytime i make a call.

To rid yourself of this annoying popup: go to phone dialler (number pad), type in ##002# and press DIAL button. A screen will appear with a DISMISS button, press DISMISS and voila!! no more popup
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