Not suprising that note4 got 2x more vote than 6+.
Take a look at this video to know why.
The video can't be independently verified.
Supply pictures (original) w/ full EXIF. One needs to be able to evaluate the noise. The dynamic range and detail.
There is no doubt a higher MP will have better detail but that is not an indicator of quality. Noise, linear steps of dynamic range are quantifiable objective metrics.
Secondly, his low-light is nowhere to what I call "low-light"
Go outside at 4AM and take a picture and come back to me.
Take a picture of some kids running around a 10x10 room w/ a 20 watt bulb in the middle.
Take pictures of mix exposures. A subject against a back-lit window. This will test the metering of the camera's software. the IP6 plus shines here.
These are tangible tests.