Is anyone using camera +? The app for $1.99? How is it?
For me it has replaced the native camera app. I keep the original camera app nearby in case I need to shoot video.
Camera+ was recently pulled from the app store for allowing users to toggle a hidden option to use the volume buttons to snap photos... which is a fantastic feature btw.
My i4's jailbroken, and I have it set up to boot Camera+ for a quick photo if I push volume down and up in succession regardless of what app I'm in.
Just purchased and downloaded. Pretty cool app .
It is on store camera plus pro @ $1.99.
I purchased it.
It is on store camera plus pro @ $1.99.
I purchased it.
Marc do you enable the volume down button to take photos? What version do you need?
A simple hack in Safari, just type camplus://enablevolumesnap in Safaris address bar on your iPhone (no quotes) will enable the volume buttons to snap the shutter. I know this works in version 1.2.1 of Camera+, not sure about older versions. If you want to disable it, type camplus://disablevolumesnap in Safari (again with no quotes).
It is on store camera plus pro @ $1.99.
I purchased it.
So what's the next best camera app out there now?
Camera Plus basically used Camera+'s name to get people to buy their app. It's nowhere near the quality of Camera+.
You can always try my app, Camera Prime#4 Free Photography App in US App Store