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macrumors member
Sep 23, 2015
Is there a way to have the JPG and DNG combined within the Mac OS Photos app.

I puchased ProCam4 then found your app. I find your interface cleaner and less cluttered. But when the photos sync via iCloud in photos the JPG and DNG are separate. Is there a way so they are combined like ProCam. I don't know which I prefer really but I leaning towards the combined one. Especially as iOS doesn't have the marker of which file if they are separate.

Thanks for making the app free too.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Is there a way to have the JPG and DNG combined within the Mac OS Photos app.

I puchased ProCam4 then found your app. I find your interface cleaner and less cluttered. But when the photos sync via iCloud in photos the JPG and DNG are separate. Is there a way so they are combined like ProCam. I don't know which I prefer really but I leaning towards the combined one. Especially as iOS doesn't have the marker of which file if they are separate.

Thanks for making the app free too.


Actually, initial version that supported raw was combining DNG and JPG images into one asset. And then we've got tons of complains (and 1 star reviews) from people who tried to see the DNG files using Photos app on iPhone. What they saw was obviously a small preview embedded in DNG, since Photos on iPhone doesn't support raw. So, we switched to separate files just to make most other 3d party apps to "find" DNG. I can add a switch in settings which will allow combining DNG and JPG files again.
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macrumors member
Sep 23, 2015

Actually, initial version that supported raw was combining DNG and JPG images into one asset. And then we've got tons of complains (and 1 star reviews) from people who tried to see the DNG files using Photos app on iPhone. What they saw was obviously a small preview embedded in DNG, since Photos on iPhone doesn't support raw. So, we switched to separate files just to make most other 3d party apps to "find" DNG. I can add a switch in settings which will allow combining DNG and JPG files again.

Thanks for the reply.

If it's not too much trouble to add in then it would be nice to have the option.

I haven't used them both properly yet just test shots to see how the RAW and JPGs were handled by Photos. As I said I think combined might be better, in a workflow. But saying that I'm sure when I had my DSLR the files were separate (been a long time). It would be useful if Photos displayed the RAW or JPG tag like it does with HDR, which is where the problem is really. I suppose the benefit having them separate allows the JPG to be edited on the iPhone within photos and upload to social media etc easily instead of using another app.

Ive also been to the website to vote for the new UI, Heavy it is for me. I like the larger size increments on the sliders easier to view them instead of the smaller dot like indicators.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Thanks for the reply.

If it's not too much trouble to add in then it would be nice to have the option.

There is no problem in adding an extra switch and few lines of code :)

Ive also been to the website to vote for the new UI, Heavy it is for me. I like the larger size increments on the sliders easier to view them instead of the smaller dot like indicators.

Thanks for voting! I should probably ask our team to update the post or write a new one. At the end, due to not so much of conclusive results, we are going to have 2 UI versions: Light and Heavy. Light will also be modified and becomes as semi-light. Here is how it approximately (not a final version yet) will look like on iPhone 7 Plus (from left to right: Heavy, Light):

IMG_5156.jpg IMG_5157.jpg
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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
I just love this app, I totally switched from the basic camera app to Camera Pixel. RAW support is really useful and the settings to play around. 4.5/5 stars. UI could have been little bit better.

Thank you! As you know, there is always room for improvements, so CameraPixels will continue its development and improvements :)
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macrumors member
Sep 23, 2015
It was actually due in the middle of February, but we hit an obstacle with Long Exposure mode. Almost all issues have been fixed, so the release should be available soon :)

Thanks I'm enjoying using your app. Been using it the most. I got ProCam 4 at the same time but its too cluttered.

Here's an image I took with it on my 7+.
All Photos - 1 of 1.jpg
Last edited:


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Welcome the next major update of CameraPixels! We worked hard to make this release better and more feature complete.

What's new in v4.0.0:
1. Added multi-shot capture mode (with slow shutter, light painting and long exposure sub-modes). Use this mode to capture noise free images in low light (slow shutter sub-mode), creative light painting scenes (light painting sub-mode) or night sky (long exposure sub-mode)
2. Added torch with brightness level in all capture modes
3. Added over/under exposed indicator and histogram
4. Added horizon levels
5. Added more grid types, including Golden ratio, Grid with symmetry indicator, and more
6. Added more crop aspect ratios to Photo capture mode
7. Added White Balance presets
8. Added tint selector to White Balance
9. Added JPG.M and TIF.M mode to Raw capture mode
10. Added volume button capture capability (need to be activated in Settings)
11. Number of images in Raw bracket increased to 7
12. Updated UI and added Light theme for minimal viewfinder overlapping
13. The CameraPixels was localised to several languages
14. Added Today widget
15. Corrections of "alternative features"


macrumors regular
Sep 9, 2012
Is this a paid upgrade (v4)? Just curious cause I jumped in on the free full resolution pack and cannot find a way to restore that purchase.



macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Is this a paid upgrade (v4)? Just curious cause I jumped in on the free full resolution pack and cannot find a way to restore that purchase.


No no no, update is free. Did you delete the app before update? Have you reinstalled the OS or changed the account? If none of the above, than usually it shouldn't change your status of purchase in the app (you should still be in full res mode). If for some reason it did reset the purchase status, try to select one of the grayed out resolutions and then in appeared dialog - restore purchase


macrumors regular
Sep 9, 2012
No no no, update is free. Did you delete the app before update? Have you reinstalled the OS or changed the account? If none of the above, than usually it shouldn't change your status of purchase in the app (you should still be in full res mode). If for some reason it did reset the purchase status, try to select one of the grayed out resolutions and then in appeared dialog - restore purchase

Thank you very much for the quick reply. I had deleted the app. Selecting the grayed out resolution allowed me to restore the purchase! Thanks again!


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Welcome the new major release of CameraPixels. This release includes UI adjustments, new features and performance enhancements:

UI adjustments:
1. Added a ProView mode (default) which allows to keep manual settings always on screen
2. Manual settings value selector is moved under the labels
3. Default capture modes and presets are now combined in one view
4. Removed Raw and Slow capture modes - features are moved to Photo, Bracketing and Video capture modes
5. JPG quality and TIFF compressions are now part of the capture mode (also saveable to presets)
6. Setting on top toolbar with 2 options only switched with one tap now, no more extra popup

New features:
1. Added new JPG quality setting Max which allows to save JPG in YCrCB 4:4:4 format
2. ISO range on iPhone 7/Plus now starts from 20 (previous was 25)
3. Burst and Bracketing modes now have crop feature
4. Bracketing mode adds support for full intervalometer
5. Number of exposures in raw bracket is increased to 15
6. Added EV step recision (global settings, controls the minimum allowed EV step in Bracketing mode)
7. Added new video resolution options (iPhone 6S and higher now can record up to 4K+ 4032x3024 px at 30 fps. iPhone 7/Plus can now record 3K video on front camera!)
8. Added new frame rate options
9. Added crop options to Video and Time lapse modes
10. Added frame mode (normal or keyframes) to Video and Time lapse modes
11. Added microphone selector and audio sampling rate to Video capture mode
12. Added Japanese and Korean languages (beta)
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