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I think safari is by far and away the best... camino is my back up. version .7 has major stability issues - if you try to do things in too rapid a succession (close windows, for example) it crashes every time. I'm going to dry .8 now.
Safari is the best browser. I just need to install PithHelmet and I'm all set. FireFox? Blah. Slow and displays Windows 95-style buttons on webpages.

I don't know a lot about Camino, but I get the feeling that it doesn't get updated as much as FireFox. I would probably steer clear.

OmniWeb is looking quite good - I might give it a whirl when it's out of beta. I like the fact that it uses Apple's WebKit to render.
plasticparadox said:
FireFox? Blah. Slow and displays Windows 95-style buttons on webpages.

While on most webpages this is very annoying, it does have a very distinct advantage. It allows for Styles, which other mac browsers do not.

For example, a pull down menu on a browser that uses aqua is always just a plain pull down menu... But on Firefox the links in it can be coded to highlight if they have not yet been visited etc... This is a capability possessed by other PC browsers, but not by other mac browsers.
it all depends on personal view. I personally wouldn't use anything but firefox. its more secure and scrolls faster than a crackhead runs from the cops. :D
Firefox and Camino both allow for a right click contextual menu "back" and "forward". This one little feature that I have been asking apple to include in safari really speeds up the whole process for me. Safari does not have it. :( If you have a multi-button mouse I would say use either firefox or camino.

Firefox gives you the option of browser extensions like "look up word on" various ways to render tabs etc.

I am not sure if Camino has all these extensions. But I think Camino renders the page slightly better. It seems slightly prettier to me overall. I like purty.

Nice to have choices though. Or is it...?
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