Hi, I received my 3.06GHz, 4GB RAM, 1TB HD, ATI4850 iMac on friday. I started
using it on saturday and had it freezed about 4 times on saturday and once on sunday very early in the morning just minutes after turning on.
When it freezed, it was not heavily loaded or running intense graphic
applications. In fact on saturday I've played about 40 min. of COD4 with
all graph settings at top level without any problem.
I realized all freezes was always related to something on the net, so I
suspected that could be a problem with WIFI.
I managed to spend from sunday morning until now surfing the web,
downloading huge files, using amule, playing videos from the web and
updating Windows and Ubuntu under VMware Fusion without any freeze.
Can you tell us if you are using your iMac with WIFI or cabled net?
Let's see how fast can we discard this theory...