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Don't you mean bad source of income? I see the ad-driven world as intrinsically bad. That is why I block all ads that I can.
Or you want almost every site you visit locked behind a paywall, even as little as $1, just to use the site once?
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Many people have expressed their methods on how to block ads. However, if people relying On ad revenue is desperate, they could code the ad in such a way that unless it is loaded, normal feature of the site will not work. So either a blank page or you see all the ads. Worse if there’s no alternative.

So currently, rasp pi method is the best because it can do so much more than ad block. This method needs a boat load of tinkering to suite your needs however.
Any operating system can block ads. Just install Firefox and uBlock Origin, and 99% of all ads will be gone.
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