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Finally! I can't stand reading reviews from people who don't even have the app, why would you even write a review without reviewing it???

I agree with this myself, except sometimes those complaining about prices have made the developer take notice and lower the price. For example, Frogger which was $9.99 until people complained.
I agree with this myself, except sometimes those complaining about prices have made the developer take notice and lower the price. For example, Frogger which was $9.99 until people complained.

less likely the price was reduced from complaints from non buyers and more likely it was reduced in price due to lower than expected sales. law of suppy and demand........demand was simply not there at the original price point does this and I find it super helpful when ordering something.

Are there other sites that do this? I read online reviews of electronics, books, and other products all the time and wonder how unusual Apple's restriction to purchasers is.

Yeah, better to save that for separate forum sites! ;)
I've been desperetly waiting for this to happen ever since I started reading the reviews in the app store.

I'm sure the first review I read probably said something like: "This costs 2 much. I'm nt goin 2 by this until dey chnge the price down."

I now don't have to rake through all that stupid reviews :)
My favorite review for Escape Pod was one in which the reviewer said I was going to hell for encouraging people to break one of the 10 Commandments and saying it would soon lead to Murder Alibi applications! :)
Great Idea!

I'd also like to see the star rating normalized for how helpful a review is. eg if someone gave a 0 star review but has "0 out of 5 people find this review helpful" then it wouldn't contribute to the star rating.

A weighted review based on how helpful it is to the customer who ultimately buy the app is a great idea.
Hopefully there will be no more faulty reviews. Sadly people can still "purchase" free apps and I'm sure they will be able to review them without even opening them.
This is fantastic news! Our app has been plagued by 1-star "Should be free" reviews from the get go. Hopefully Apple will purge the bogus reviews so that the star rating will actually reflect an application's value.

Also, I agree that seeing the app version reviewed would be great. As a developer, some reviews of old versions of our app no longer apply to would-be buyers because some of those issues have been resolved with updates.

All in all, I think this adds value to the App Store as a whole. Both for developers and consumers alike.
This change has already made a positive difference in the app store.

Plus now I won't be tempted to write "Well your Mom cost $10 but she should be free too" in response to the whiners.
I couldn't believe it until I saw the pop up for myself. Great job Apple! Now, please also remove past reviews posted by people who did not purchase the application. If you don't want to remove, then at least mark them with an "*" and recalculate the 5-star rating based only on people who purchased the app. This should also reduce the number of fake 5-star reviews from the few developers who engage in this practice.

One more request. Please provide the date of the review, the app version the person purchased, and the price they originally paid. Give me the option to only see reviews (and a 5-star rating) from people who actually paid $ for the app. If you don't want to reset the download counter for the free-to-paid apps, at least let me quickly find out how many reviewers paid for the app.

:mad:So based on your comment, and that suddenly a pop-up window appears, it seems to me that you and the others who are suddenly getting the pop-up window to buy the app before commenting, ARE THE ONES THAT DON'T BUY THE APPS AND THEN GIVE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ON IT!!!! SHAME ON YOU.:mad:

Apple, finally get these app crushers out of here. And, remove non buyers from previous comments. This should put on the real rating for the good Apps and the bad Apps. We, the true belivers, deserve the TRUTH!!!!:D
:mad:So based on your comment, and that suddenly a pop-up window appears, it seems to me that you and the others who are suddenly getting the pop-up window to buy the app before commenting, ARE THE ONES THAT DON'T BUY THE APPS AND THEN GIVE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ON IT!!!! SHAME ON YOU.:mad:

No, I think you might have just read their post incorrectly. Sounds like they were just testing it to confirm as I suspect many people would have done (I know I have to see if it had rolled out to the UK store as well). If you had read macmacey's post properly you'd realise that they thought it was a good idea and also wanted older reviews from people who didn't purchase taken from the star value.

Not really the attitude of somebody who does what you're accusing them of, is it. :rolleyes:
IMHO, this change is not entirely positive.

A better solution would have been to allow non-purchasers to still post comments but NOT be able to select a star rating... and then have an option to hide these "zero star" reviews.

There are many times when people reference another app that is better, or a free web app that works just as well in their "reviews" (a great example is the $2 "What's On" app... a bookmark to works just as well, if not better!). That helpful insight will now be minimized, potentially causing unnecessary purchases. :cool:

i've acually seen idiots asking questions in the reviews and just giving a 2 star or something for the hell of it. very selfish and dumb, and bad for developers.
IMHO, this change is not entirely positive.

A better solution would have been to allow non-purchasers to still post comments but NOT be able to select a star rating... and then have an option to hide these "zero star" reviews.

There are many times when people reference another app that is better, or a free web app that works just as well in their "reviews" (a great example is the $2 "What's On" app... a bookmark to works just as well, if not better!). That helpful insight will now be minimized, potentially causing unnecessary purchases. :cool:

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