Boring. Tuned out as soon as I read specs and sensor analysis (says whom?). Specs will all be better next year anyway.
dSLRs will have better metering, focus, and finders (and lens selection and compatibility)... and will for many, many years. As for the sensor, who cares... they're all good enough to print big and post to Facebook and if you meter so badly or have such bad taste as to use tone mapping that you need endless gobs of DR then that's just your own damned fault. The Canon sensors are fine, even if others are still better, and the Nikon sensors are pretty darned great, too. I know Canon measures badly for color, but the colors on Canon cameras always seem great to me. They are noisy a bit, though, sure. So is film.
If you like it, though, cool! My video camera is mirrorless and I like it just fine. Nothing wrong with digging mirrorless. Secretly I want a Fuji X100T pretty bad.

Or an M9 monochrome with a Summicron Apo... and really nothing else.

Ooh and a Mamiya 7 (also mirrorless).
But it took a lot of zooms and dSLRs and fooling around to realize I dig 35mm and 50mm more than other focal lengths. And a lot more fooling around to realize that sometimes I need to pull out that 200mm f2 even if the nifty fifty usually lives on my 5D III.
In some respects mirrorless are more "advanced" cameras for those who know just what they want. But otherwise, they're compromises, and I don't have the money (yet) to spend on a compromise. Cool if you do.