taxfree shop is perfect for apple stuff. Usually dixons discounts from 'rrp', often this can mean a decent discount but online retailers are often close.
With apple stuff, you don't really get online discounts like with most electronics - everyone sells pretty much for the same price. So with a VAT discount its 15%-ish off what you'd pay anywhere else in the UK
these days I hardly bother buying anything from the US if its available at dixons in the airport. The only reason for an ipad would be to get it early, not for cost.
With apple stuff, you don't really get online discounts like with most electronics - everyone sells pretty much for the same price. So with a VAT discount its 15%-ish off what you'd pay anywhere else in the UK
these days I hardly bother buying anything from the US if its available at dixons in the airport. The only reason for an ipad would be to get it early, not for cost.