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Apr 11, 2018
The current and only laughing emoji is 🤣 which seemingly is mainly used to mock someone when having an argument.

Sadly just switching out one laughing emoji with another won't solve our problem. @I7guy is on to something with a completely different emoji that incorporates a thumbs up, thereby lessening the appeal of "laughing at someone".

Laugh emoji with a thumbs up would satisfy your requirement.

This is intriguing, is there one available the forum software can use? I don't see anything in the list we can choose from.

I use the laugh emoji almost always to laugh with someone, not at them.

Sadly our community includes "children" who cannot debate with words and ideas.
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macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
I do wish MacRumours would revamp their emojis…

On another site I frequent they have a really nice set.

Like Love Helpful Thank You Laugh Surprise Sad

I think here at MacRumours the
in ANGRY RED!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! is a terrible thing.
In my mind to disagree does not necessarily equate to being angry.

I bet if it were changed to
in Blue things might not escalate so frequently.

I know for myself if someone gives me a Red Angry Face I get hot under the collar.

But for all I know that is the reaction MacRumours' staff want from us… I mean click click click makes the machine go ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching? N'est-ce pas?
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Agree with almost everything that has been written in this thread so far.

Personally, I would like to see a situation whereby one could post a laugh emoji that signals that you are laughing with someone, - which is how - and here I agree with @fatTribble - I, myself, try to use this emoji - and that this can be distinguished from how it seems to be used by many on this forum, namely, as signalling that you are laughing at what someone has posted, not because you find it funny, but because you find it risible and ridiculous and perhaps, contemptible.

Thus, yes, I think that two distinct and separate emojis, - one that signals that you are laughing with what a poster has written, and one to indicate that you are laughing at the post (should MR wish to retain that use) - would be an excellent idea, and would serve to remove both some of the ambiguity - and some of the edgy nastiness - that sometimes surrounds the use of this particular emoji.

And, moreover, I agree completely - fervently, for that matter - with @arkitect that to disagree with someone does not necessarily equate to being angry with them and with what they have posted (though, occasionally, it might do just that), and that this emoji could do with a radical revision, as the current one does little other than serve to raise one's own internal temperature.

@arkitect's suggestion of changing the colour of that emoji from a snarling red to a more measured blue - while conveying the exact same message, namely disagreement, - strikes me as an excellent idea.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2016
For anybody interested in benchmarking, another Mac site I read, TidBITS, uses a set of six reaction emojis that are clearly defined when an emoji is hovered over:
  • Red heart: "Good post"
  • Yellow thumbs up: "I agree"
  • Yellow laughing face: "Amusing"
  • THANK YOU!, in black text: "Thank you"
  • Red question mark: "Confused"
  • Yellow thumbs down: "I disagree"
I think the avoidance of the color red for negative reactions, as discussed earlier, is a good practice, as is the ability to thank a poster using an emoji/icon. Further, I like the lack of an anger reaction.


macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2013
I recently got two "Angry" reactions to a post where I declare that my professional healthcare manager wife is perfectly happy with her 8GB MBA.
I assume these people just disagreed with me, though I am not sure with which part of my factual statement, perhaps they don't believe I have a wife? Or they don't believe that she can be happy?
How dare she being happy with only 8GB of RAM. AARGH!

I really think there should be a way for them to express their disagreement in a less dramatic way.
MacRumours, please just introduce a "disagree" reaction (and remove the "Angry" one).
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I recently got two "Angry" reactions to a post where I declare that my professional healthcare manager wife is perfectly happy with her 8GB MBA.
I assume these people just disagreed with me, though I am not sure with which part of my factual statement, perhaps they don't believe I have a wife? Or they don't believe that she can be happy?
How dare she being happy with only 8GB of RAM. AARGH!

I really think there should be a way for them to express their disagreement in a less dramatic way.
MacRumours, please just introduce a "disagree" reaction (and remove the "Angry" one).
Again, I agree completely with you, and well said.

Or, perhaps, there could be a way of differentiating between disagreement (perhaps with a more measured blue thumbs down emoji, as suggested by @arkitect) and the actual expression of anger, although, in the absence of the PRSI section, I am at something of a loss to understand why anyone would wish to signal that they are angry.

For that matter, a "mere" 8GB of RAM - but, perhaps, this is an age, or a culture thing - does not strike me as worth the expenditure of emotion and pure rage that an angry red emoji conveys on the page (or screen).


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
As I just said in another thread relating to this same topic, I think MR and its members would benefit from simply not having this whole "reactions" thing at all..... Too many problems inherent in the entire concept.

Personally, I would love to see any and all emojis removed, discarded, jettisoned.

What is wrong with using words to express ourselves?


Apr 11, 2018
What is wrong with using words to express ourselves?

How then do we deal with the whole "+1" issue? Both when agreeing and disagreeing?

I don't really want the forum flooded with +1 types of posts, like this:

Member A: I love the new iMac colors

Currently we can just agree, I don't know that we need the following, or we don't need them all:

Member B reply to A: I know right, the colors are just awesome
Member C reply to A: Me too!
Member D reply to A: OMG you are right, they rule!
Member E reply to A: +1
Member F reply to A: Me too!

Or this:

Member A: I love the new iMac colors

Currently we can just disagree, is it really necessary to articulate ones dislike of Apple's choices of color?

Member B reply to A: I disagree, the orange is hideous.
Member C reply to A: I hate the colors, the lineup looks like a crayon box.
Member D reply to A: The colors are dumb, if you want colors put a skin on them.
Member E reply to A: I hate 'em!
Member F reply to A: I hate 'em!

I acknowledge that these are singular and very limited examples but it is nearly impossible to address responses to every type of post.

Eliminating emoji responses would remove any way to simply "chime in" if we didn't have time to type a response or if another member had already articulated our exact point. How else would members offer an opinion when they are late to a thread that is already 10 pages long and probably "talked out"? No need for a duplicate post, you can just toss in some emoji reactions to posts you feel strongly about.

I have asked many times for members to point out threads where emoji responses have limited worded discourse and no one has ever shown a good example. It is my opinion that we have no shortage of members that are willing to use words. I have never seen a thread where we have 2 posts and a hundred emoji. I continue to believe that the emoji system allows members an alternative method of communication to be used as they see fit, within the rules. Is the emoji system perfect... no!

I would like to see the following:

👍: Agree

🙏: Thanks!

🤔 (thinking emoji): I don't know if I agree or disagree but you have given me something to ponder!

👎: Disagree (this is a concession to those that feel red it too triggering)

@arn Please, get rid of the 😡 once and for all, I just want to be able to disagree with someone without being forced to be angry at them because it wasn't a MR thread or my disagree limit was hit. And please remove the disagree limit for contributing members!
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
How then do we deal with the whole "+1" issue? Both when agreeing and disagreeing?

I don't really want the forum flooded with +1 types of posts, like this:

Member A: I love the new iMac colors

Currently we can just agree, I don't know that we need the following, or we don't need them all:

Member B reply to A: I know right, the colors are just awesome
Member C reply to A: Me too!
Member D reply to A: OMG you are right, they rule!
Member E reply to A: +1
Member F reply to A: Me too!

Or this:

Member A: I love the new iMac colors

Currently we can just disagree, is it really necessary to articulate ones dislike of Apple's choices of color?

Member B reply to A: I disagree, the orange is hideous.
Member C reply to A: I hate the colors, the lineup looks like a crayon box.
Member D reply to A: The colors are dumb, if you want colors put a skin on them.
Member E reply to A: I hate 'em!
Member F reply to A: I hate 'em!

I acknowledge that these are singular and very limited examples but it is nearly impossible to address responses to every type of post.

Eliminating emoji responses would remove any way to simply "chime in" if we didn't have time to type a response or if another member had already articulated our exact point. How else would members offer an opinion when they are late to a thread that is already 10 pages long and probably "talked out"? No need for a duplicate post, you can just toss in some emoji reactions to posts you feel strongly about.

I have asked many times for members to point out threads where emoji responses have limited worded discourse and no one has ever shown a good example. It is my opinion that we have no shortage of members that are willing to use words. I have never seen a thread where we have 2 posts and a hundred emoji. I continue to believe that the emoji system allows members an alternative method of communication to be used as they see fit, within the rules. Is the emoji system perfect... no!

I would like to see the following:

👍: Agree

🙏: Thanks!

🤔 (thinking emoji): I don't know if I agree or disagree but ot really allow fo that or accomyou have given me something to ponder!

👎: Disagree (this is a concession to those that feel red it too triggering)

@arn Please, get rid of the 😡 once and for all, I just want to be able to disagree with someone without being forced to be angry at them because it wasn't a MR thread or my disagree limit was hit. And please remove the disagree limit for contributing members!
Agree completely with you on the matter of how disagreement becomes conflated with anger, and that this is entirely unnecessary, and serves to generate an unpleasantly confrontational tone to some proceedings.

It should be possible to express disagreement in a polite, civilised and respectful way, and the current system does not accommodate that, and nor does it allow for that.


macrumors 603
Jun 8, 2017
Maybe notifications should be limited to “positive” reactions. Disagree (thumbs down) is more useful as a signal to other readers that a comment is controversial or just plain wrong, but nobody likes or particularly benefits from receiving Disagree notifications.

I agree that Angry should be replaced by Disagree.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
I use the pointing finger and laughing emoji for laughing at someone.

👈😄HA HA!


Thus far, I have not used the combonation. Probably because it's unwieldly.😓 A laughing emoji with a tiny pointying hand would be nice. Give it a Nelson Muntz haircut for good measure.😁
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macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
We could all just use words to describe how and what we feel about a given subject.

The Internet and its forums and various website has become too easy and too quick to both navigate and get in and out of while leaving a trail of a steaming hot mess with comments of pure hate and easy to score points.

Do away with all emoji's other than the thumbs up emoji. No additional laugh emoji / smiley ( remember when they were called smiley instead of emoji? )

Of course, if the MacRumors head honchos decides to do what they decide to do; then I'm all for it. I'm just expressing my feelings on the matter.

note: if I have butchered some english words and phrases, then I deeply apologize. I didn't mean to do so.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
We could all just use words to describe how and what we feel about a given subject.

The Internet and its forums and various website has become too easy and too quick to both navigate and get in and out of while leaving a trail of a steaming hot mess with comments of pure hate and easy to score points.

Do away with all emoji's other than the thumbs up emoji. No additional laugh emoji / smiley ( remember when they were called smiley instead of emoji? )

Of course, if the MacRumors head honchos decides to do what they decide to do; then I'm all for it. I'm just expressing my feelings on the matter.

note: if I have butchered some english words and phrases, then I deeply apologize. I didn't mean to do so.
Very well said, and not just because these are pretty much my sentiments on this matter, as well.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
You could've just replied with a thumbs up like emoji instead btw
I could have, but prefer not to.

Anyway, why on Earth would I do such a thing, or even (given the topic of the thread under discussion here) wish to do such a thing?

Words work better. And, moreover, I (far) prefer words.

Besides, I cannot abide emojis, even though I do, on occasion, use them.
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