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I'd recommend a swift bitch slap to both of them. If your mom tells u no still, tell her you hate her.
Simple. Ask your brother to recommend an alternative device that does everything the iPad does that is not a "rip off"

You have to add "in a tablet form factor" or else he'll recommend a netbook.

Actually, it might be hard to convince him that the tablet form offers any advantage, remember all those naysayers just after the iPad was announced who kept saying the iPad doesn't do anything that an iPhone or netbook can't do?
I want an ipad only because my ipod touch doesnt have 3g.... I told my mom if i can get it and she said no because my brother told her that apple rips people off... my brother says all apple products are worth much less than it should be.... and since my brother is an computer expert my mom belives him :/ so can u give me reasons to convince my brother on how its worth the money so i can get it please :D thx


Lets talk from a different POV.

An iPad is over priced.

£420 for a 'computer' that doesn't do everything a computer should.

You seem a young guy with having to ask your brother and mother about a computer.

Not sure about the US but in the UK you can get a netbook for around £250 that does all the things a young adult would want - facebook, msn, web browsing, free flash games (vs the app store) download music (legal or not) with a built in webcam for skype, long battery .

I know theres all individual apps for those, but its so much easier on a netbook.

There are some good arguments for an iPad, but personally, for the ages 13-17 a netbook is much better suited.

Go beyond all that and get your bro to build you a desktop - for around £400 you can get a kick ass gaming desk top that will play anything you want it to - upgradable so you can keep it for when you go off to college ect.

Hope this gives you another insight to computers as this is 'mac rumors' so people are going to recommend apple products over having a brain.


Lets talk from a different POV.

An iPad is over priced.

£420 for a 'computer' that doesn't do everything a computer should.

You seem a young guy with having to ask your brother and mother about a computer.

Not sure about the US but in the UK you can get a netbook for around £250 that does all the things a young adult would want - facebook, msn, web browsing, free flash games (vs the app store) download music (legal or not) with a built in webcam for skype, long battery .

I know theres all individual apps for those, but its so much easier on a netbook.

There are some good arguments for an iPad, but personally, for the ages 13-17 a netbook is much better suited.

Go beyond all that and get your bro to build you a desktop - for around £400 you can get a kick ass gaming desk top that will play anything you want it to - upgradable so you can keep it for when you go off to college ect.

Hope this gives you another insight to computers as this is 'mac rumors' so people are going to recommend apple products over having a brain.


Let's speak from the prospective of someone who knows what they are talking about which you don't.

1. The iPad is not a computer. Never advertised as one. Anyone who knows what they are talking about should know this. Your first point is made moot by your lack of insight and knowledge.
2. An iPad is a media consumption device and there are very few laptops (notebooks - are you kidding me?) that can handle content as well as an iPad (Flash excluded).
3. Many of the apps (minus anti-virus and spyware, and anti-spamming-ware, and etc..) needed to be completely productive on an iPad comes free from the App Store.
4. iPads get anywhere from 10 to 14 hours of battery life depending on the configuration. Where does the nearest netbook or laptop stack up?
5. Yup, no webcam for the iPad. Many iPad owners (the millions of them) are disappointed in the lack of a camera but for some reasons those darn iPads are selling and selling without cameras anyway.
6. His age is irrelevant, and for the most part so is your opinion. If he has the cash and the inclination to buy an iPad, he should do as he wishes.
Let's speak from the prospective of someone who knows what they are talking about which you don't.

1. The iPad is not a computer. Never advertised as one. Anyone who knows what they are talking about should know this. Your first point is made moot by your lack of insight and knowledge.
2. An iPad is a media consumption device and there are very few laptops (notebooks - are you kidding me?) that can handle content as well as an iPad (Flash excluded).
3. Many of the apps (minus anti-virus and spyware, and anti-spamming-ware, and etc..) needed to be completely productive on an iPad comes free from the App Store.
4. iPads get anywhere from 10 to 14 hours of battery life depending on the configuration. Where does the nearest netbook or laptop stack up?
5. Yup, no webcam for the iPad. Many iPad owners (the millions of them) are disappointed in the lack of a camera but for some reasons those darn iPads are selling and selling without cameras anyway.
6. His age is irrelevant, and for the most part so is your opinion. If he has the cash and the inclination to buy an iPad, he should do as he wishes.

I have to laugh at people online - they think because they can use big words, they out smart people. I don't want to get into insulting people, but if you spoke to me like that in person, you would regret it.

Now get out of your mothers basement, shave, get a job and stop being a cheeky c*nt!

To the OP -

They will defend apple to death, as you can see.

A laptop can do everything an ipad can do, media consumption and production.

his age does have something to do with it - being a young adult and his parents paying for it means it needs to last as long as it can - my bloody phone from 6 months ago is rendered almost useless with this new software updated - my powermac G5 from 5 years ago cant even work with a mouse released last month? Its a joke - my pc that I built 8 years ago has been upgraded to the point that it can play todays games and run everything smoothly for less than half the price of an iMac.

Stop being a mac ****** and actually help the kid - a COMPUTER will be much better for him, you dont have the option of 3g in current macbooks, yet you can in netbooks.

who needs 14 hours of battery life?

Like saying "ha my d*ck is 9 inches" and a huge guy comes in and goes "mines 14"

Who NEEDS 14 hmm?

webcam will be nice for you OP, you can skype home whenever you go away. I personally like the ability to take a picture when I'm with friends or record stuff straight in the computer.

you can keep in contact with your brother, so when anything goes wrong with your netbook, he can remote log in (also available for mac btw)

Sorry my post isn't as neat as sap ******, but I'm dyslexic. This is a forum and everyones opinions are welcome.

I'm not an apple hater, but I do hate the idiots who blindly follow a company that has a shiny logo yet think they are keyboard warriors.
I have to laugh at people online - they think because they can use big words, they out smart people. I don't want to get into insulting people, but if you spoke to me like that in person, you would regret it.

I doubt it. Really I do, but as you are there and I am here chances are I would not have the pleasure of escorting you to a hospital so lets call it a draw. :)

Now get out of your mothers basement, shave, get a job and stop being a cheeky c*nt!

Love the hyperbole.

To the OP -

They will defend apple to death, as you can see.

A laptop can do everything an ipad can do, media consumption and production.

his age does have something to do with it - being a young adult and his parents paying for it means it needs to last as long as it can - my bloody phone from 6 months ago is rendered almost useless with this new software updated - my powermac G5 from 5 years ago cant even work with a mouse released last month? Its a joke - my pc that I built 8 years ago has been upgraded to the point that it can play todays games and run everything smoothly for less than half the price of an iMac.

Stop being a mac ****** and actually help the kid - a COMPUTER will be much better for him, you dont have the option of 3g in current macbooks, yet you can in netbooks.

who needs 14 hours of battery life?

Like saying "ha my d*ck is 9 inches" and a huge guy comes in and goes "mines 14"

Who NEEDS 14 hmm?

webcam will be nice for you OP, you can skype home whenever you go away. I personally like the ability to take a picture when I'm with friends or record stuff straight in the computer.

you can keep in contact with your brother, so when anything goes wrong with your netbook, he can remote log in (also available for mac btw)

Sorry my post isn't as neat as sap ******, but I'm dyslexic. This is a forum and everyones opinions are welcome.

I'm not an apple hater, but I do hate the idiots who blindly follow a company that has a shiny logo yet think they are keyboard warriors.

To the OP,

Buy what you want, when you want and if you want. Don't me or any other bottom dwellers discourage you. The iPad is not for everyone. For some it has completely replaced their computers while others have returned them because they did not do enough. Some are fortunate enough to be able to purchase whatever they want with little consequence, while others need help. Figure out where you are and go from there. Your brother does not sound as though he is giving you much help and is imposing his will on your purchase choices. Not much anyone here can do other than advise him to go check out an iPad for himself. Either way, what you do is your decision and yours alone.
Go beyond all that and get your bro to build you a desktop - for around £400 you can get a kick ass gaming desk top that will play anything you want to.

For 400 you would not get a gaming desktop that will play anything, you will get a VERY VERY VERY bad computer. For a gaming desktop that will play anything you will need AT LEAST 2000. And why have him build it build it your self.

To the OP
And Apple does make things that cost more then they make them for, every company does to make money. Also NEVER get a netbook, get a laptop.
All this arguing is irrelevant. It's his parents money and there decision and I don't think he should be enlisting the help of fan boys to try and get the money out of his parents.

It's already been said, it's a media consumption device and he already has one of those, an ipod touch. He says he wants it for 3G, why not just get a mifi router?
For 400 you would not get a gaming desktop that will play anything, you will get a VERY VERY VERY bad computer. For a gaming desktop that will play anything you will need AT LEAST 2000. And why have him build it build it your self.

To the OP
And Apple does make things that cost more then they make them for, every company does to make money. Also NEVER get a netbook, get a laptop.

For about $450 I 'built' (basically customized) my own PC 2 years ago. It had an Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 (2.66GHz), Asus P5K mobo, NVIDIA 9600GT graphics, 320GB HDD, 4GB RAM, a DVD/RW drive, all stuffed inside a CoolerMaster case. That price included installation (of all the components) and a keyboard, mouse and a pair of cheap speakers.

It plays GTA IV @ 1440x900, all settings high, at about 30-40fps. That was a very demanding game at the time of its release.

It plays something. It's not a 'VERY VERY VERY bad computer'.

Ya gotta get me some of that stuff you're smoking man :rolleyes:

@ OP: I'm not saying the iPad is a bad tablet. I actually have 2. Just consider what you actually need as opposed to what you want. If all you're looking for is something to browse the web and play games with, perhaps a desktop would be best. If all you want is something to browse the web and play games on the go, maybe you should keep your iPod and buy a MiFi? That is, if your mom is willing to pay the $60 a month for it. It connects 5 devices at once so it's actually really good value for money and (if you live in a 4G zone) faster speeds than AT&T 3G. Either way, better coverage (if you go with Verizon) than AT&T (or so everyone says?).
For about $450 I 'built' (basically customized) my own PC 2 years ago. It had an Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 (2.66GHz), Asus P5K mobo, NVIDIA 9600GT graphics, 320GB HDD, 4GB RAM, a DVD/RW drive, all stuffed inside a CoolerMaster case. That price included installation (of all the components) and a keyboard, mouse and a pair of cheap speakers.

You forgot a monitor
For about $450 I 'built' (basically customized) my own PC 2 years ago. It had an Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 (2.66GHz), Asus P5K mobo, NVIDIA 9600GT graphics, 320GB HDD, 4GB RAM, a DVD/RW drive, all stuffed inside a CoolerMaster case. That price included installation (of all the components) and a keyboard, mouse and a pair of cheap speakers.

It plays GTA IV @ 1440x900, all settings high, at about 30-40fps. That was a very demanding game at the time of its release.

But can it run Crysis? :D

Sorry couldn't resist. I agree though, the person who you were responding to obviously has never built his own PC and is talking out of his behind.
You forgot a monitor

Well, I already had a screen. Chances are you'll be able to pick up a used widescreen monitor for around 50 bucks on Craigslist or something, but new screens are readily available on Newegg for 99 bucks.

Still, a bit more than an iPad (back then), but far more powerful. [keep in mind that this was 2 years ago- comparable computers are available for less these days].

But can it run Crysis? :D

Sorry couldn't resist. I agree though, the person who you were responding to obviously has never built his own PC and is talking out of his behind.

Actually, yes it can ;)

Tom's Hardware claims 35 fps @ 1280x1024 and 27 fps @ 1680x1050, settings on high. Not bad for a 2 year old computer.
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