Man, I've been running my MP with the panel open, plugging and pulling my wife's fried iMac drive in to hard drive bays 3 and 4.
I've also got a USB connector for hard drives plugged in. Turning it off and on and off and on trying to figure out how sizzled this iMac drive is. It was BURNING hot when I pulled it out. Second time this has happened. First time it was just out of warranty, so I had no fear of taking it apart.
Since I've been searching for help with this drive, I was already logged in to the forums. One suggestion was putting the drive in the freezer, then connecting it. The longer it takes the drive to heat up, the more data u can pull off. It's the only thing I've found (so far) that works.
So here I was, about to plug a freezing cold, seagate 500 gb, 7200.10 in to bay 3 of my dear ol' eight core big mac when I figured I'd search to make sure drives were hot swapable.
THANK GOD I READ THIS THREAD! MY MAC IS NOT DEAD YET! Although I did have to reboot 6 times today, and boy, do I hate rebooting. This beast is always on.
Time to put the cover back on, get it off the CARPET and call it a night. Mac Pro hard drive are definitely not plug n play "hot swapable".
I've also got a USB connector for hard drives plugged in. Turning it off and on and off and on trying to figure out how sizzled this iMac drive is. It was BURNING hot when I pulled it out. Second time this has happened. First time it was just out of warranty, so I had no fear of taking it apart.
Since I've been searching for help with this drive, I was already logged in to the forums. One suggestion was putting the drive in the freezer, then connecting it. The longer it takes the drive to heat up, the more data u can pull off. It's the only thing I've found (so far) that works.
So here I was, about to plug a freezing cold, seagate 500 gb, 7200.10 in to bay 3 of my dear ol' eight core big mac when I figured I'd search to make sure drives were hot swapable.
THANK GOD I READ THIS THREAD! MY MAC IS NOT DEAD YET! Although I did have to reboot 6 times today, and boy, do I hate rebooting. This beast is always on.
Time to put the cover back on, get it off the CARPET and call it a night. Mac Pro hard drive are definitely not plug n play "hot swapable".