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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
Thank you for your kind words, I am sorry to hear that you are a widow. I get most of the day to myself because everybody being gone for most of the day most of the time. It's too quiet. I miss my old dog. She passed away a few years ago. I would love a seizure alert dog though.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
That would be wonderful, a seizure alert dog! A while back I saw a video of one in action. His (or her) person was seemingly just fine one minute and then started to seize and the dog was immediately responsive, barking and alerting others to the situation while also guarding the person protectively. I also saw another video where someone with autism was having a "meltdown" due to acute anxiety and again the dog in that situation was wonderful, immediately made sure the person was in a safe environment and then just cuddled right up to her, pouring out consistent love, caring and reassurance as the person struggled through the meltdown. These well-trained dogs are absolutely wonderful and undoubtedly life-saving in some cases. If there is any way that you would be able to get one, you really should! I imagine that there's paperwork and all sorts of documentation and such that needs to be done initially, plus of course a period of time spent in training with the dog as you get to know each other and both prospective owner and dog learn what is expected. Especially since you spend much of each day alone, a trained seizure alert dog would be a very good safety measure in addition to whatever else you and your family have already set in place. Go for it!


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I'll have to see about it. I will have to find a new Neurologist and Neurosurgeon. (My awesome Neurosurgeon who as ales my Neurologist retired a few years ago.) If that is suggested, I'll definitely look into it.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
This question might not be answered here and if it would be useful to post it in a different spot please tell me and I'll make a new thread. Can bluetooth be affected by the wind I keep loosing my music on my bluetooth speaker that I am listening to from my iTunes playlist I reported it to the BETA thinking it might be an iTunes flaw, but I got to thinking about song display on iTunes and it says "can't connect to the server". (I think. I'll take a screenshot next time it happens and post it.)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
There are several things which could the causing this:

Two BlueTooth devices must be within line of sight of each other, and closer than 30 feet apart.

Walls, furniture or other objects could be obstructing the line of sight.

Another electronic device may be causing interference -- a few years ago there was a problem with microwaves and cordless phones, for instance.

There may also be a conflict in the versions of BT that each device has; if one device is using an older version of BT and the other a newer version, that can be an issue, so probably a firmware update would be required. Also the actual BT hardware may be an older one, which might have issues with current BT hardware. In one of my earlier posts there was mention of checking compatibility between the new BT speakers and the computer -- might want to check that out, too, since your computer is older and BT standards have changed since 2012.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
Thank you Clix Pix, how do I check the firmware of my iHome Blutooth radio alarm clock. I assume the firmware is taken care of with updates from "about this Mac" updates.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Now you've lost me...... So you also have a BT iHome radio/alarm clock? That shouldn't have anything to do with the BT speakers, unless it, too, is paired with the computer and as such is possibly causing some sort of interference and conflict? Years ago I had an iHome alarm clock and radio but I don't think it was BlueTooth, although if I recall it was in some way picking up my wireless network connection, which is different than BlueTooth.

Diagnosing some problems is hard over the internet when one cannot actually see how something is set up and all of the elements which might be involved.

Someone else may have some answers......


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I thought I was confusing because I was confused myself when you said something about a firmware update.... Where do I find the firmware, in my MBP or my iHome speaker.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I almost thought I messed things up this morning, but I didn't. I just had to turn on a certain setting on my MBP. Is there something I can set that allows it to always be on?

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
You need to provide more information and details about the situation in order for anyone to be able to help..... Occasionally, yes, BT devices need to be paired again, or if a device hasn't been used in a while, turned on again from standby mode. This is the case with my BT headphones. Since I don't use them every day they go into standby mode and I simply need to go to the BT icon in the menu bar, highlight them, then click "connect" and turn them on again. This only takes a minute or two.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
You need to provide more information and details about the situation in order for anyone to be able to help..... Occasionally, yes, BT devices need to be paired again, or if a device hasn't been used in a while, turned on again from standby mode. This is the case with my BT headphones. Since I don't use them every day they go into standby mode and I simply need to go to the BT icon in the menu bar, highlight them, then click "connect" and turn them on again. This only takes a minute or two.
I think that is what I did. I thought there was more that I could do to always be connected.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
No, not possible to keep them connected all the time because that would kill the battery in any device which depends upon battery power or recharging, such as my BT headphones. That said, when I turn on my computer my BT keyboard and BT Magic Mouse 2 always have to wake up from standby but they usually connect themselves and I don't need to do anything. Other devices don't always work that way.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
No, not possible to keep them connected all the time because that would kill the battery in any device which depends upon battery power or recharging, such as my BT headphones. That said, when I turn on my computer my BT keyboard and BT Magic Mouse 2 always have to wake up from standby but they usually connect themselves and I don't need to do anything. Other devices don't always work that way.
OK, I thought so. Thank you.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
It's lost again, I am not sure if was my fault or not, but I can't get my bluetooth speaker to connect to my MBP. :(

It's fixed, as usual, I really don't know what I did. I don't know if it will stay on my MBP when I shut it off for the night. I suppose I can check it now.
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