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See, this logic is completely wrong! What it means that at BEST-CASE scenario the AT&T network issues won't technically get any WORSE after June 7. People still on the unlimited and who are *abusing* the network can still continue to do so and stay on the unlimited plans!

So I don't think this is a particularly great solution. You know AT&T are only doing it for the money. So basically it's $15 for 200MB vs $15 for 250MB at iPad 3G launch. Where's the logic in downgrading it 50MB, AT&T? How does that help ANYONE but yourself? 50MB less abuse? Yeah right... :rolleyes:

Somewhere, amidst the crying and gnashing of teeth over this debacle, I read a piece from AT&T that the 200MB plan was for the iPhone and the iPad would remain at 250MB.
And please define a power user? I'd like to know what criteria one needs to meet to become so.
Apparently, a power user is anyone that uses more bandwidth than they do.

And you can use your iPad to do whatever you want it's just that you have to pay for what you use and the rest of us who don't want to do that, don't want to pay for you to do that! Seeeeeeeee
Welllllllllllll, I'm grandfathered in with the original data plan, so I'll be continuing to wreak my power user chaos and havoc on AT&T's 3G network between 11:30AM and 12:30PM Monday-Friday.
Apparently, a power user is anyone that uses more bandwidth than they do.

Welllllllllllll, I'm grandfathered in with the original data plan, so I'll be continuing to wreak my power user chaos and havoc on AT&T's 3G network between 11:30AM and 12:30PM Monday-Friday.

:D :D Please continue to do so!
Glad I got mine in time for unlimited. I'll use that all the time, and I think it's ABSOLUTELY worth $30/month. No question.
Glad I got mine in time for unlimited. I'll use that all the time, and I think it's ABSOLUTELY worth $30/month. No question.

Yes, unlimited $30 is well worth it. Actually, you could, if you REALLY wanted to... jailbreak and tether to your home computer and ditch your home Internet. :D Then you'd be a REAL power user! :D :D
I think this post has been kicked around long enough.. buy or don't buy, Pay or Don't Pay.. Love it or Hate it... Love mine...
:D :D Please continue to do so!

to be a bigger bit** I'll run mywi on background all day and add to the network my laptop, ipod touch, iphone, and ps3...then I'll become a real power consumer so At&T can lick it...i'm gonna take as much juice from them as I can since i'm now tied to an invisible contract of paying for unlimited on a monthly basis.
Can someone please explain to me why there are so many people saying they are going to either cancel or return their iPad 3G because of the new AT&T data plans? I don't get it. I realize that there is no longer going to be the unlimited data for the $29.99 charge that was originally advertised, but why would that cause someone to dump their 3G iPad???
I have a 32GB 3G on order and I am concerned.:confused:

Fortunately I had already had enough of AT&T by the time the iPad was released and got a Wifi + Verizon Mifi solution. Its not as ideal as built in unlimited data. But I chose consistent, reliable limited data over unreliable, inconsistent unlimited data. And now it seems my solution is not only more consistent and more reliable, but CHEAPER given my usage patterns.

I bet Apple is even more upset with AT&T than we are though. Unlimited data is an important aspect of the iPad. And if there is anyone out there that really believes AT&T's 2% data claims and that they are being altruistic and doing this just to save most people money - its only 6 months til Santa visits again. AT&T is just vile. I was thinking of waiting for a Verizon iPhone but now I may go Verizon Android sooner just to express my revulsion to AT&T.
Fortunately I had already had enough of AT&T by the time the iPad was released and got a Wifi + Verizon Mifi solution. Its not as ideal as built in unlimited data. But I chose consistent, reliable limited data over unreliable, inconsistent unlimited data. And now it seems my solution is not only more consistent and more reliable, but CHEAPER given my usage patterns.

I bet Apple is even more upset with AT&T than we are though. Unlimited data is an important aspect of the iPad. And if there is anyone out there that really believes AT&T's 2% data claims and that they are being altruistic and doing this just to save most people money - its only 6 months til Santa visits again. AT&T is just vile. I was thinking of waiting for a Verizon iPhone but now I may go Verizon Android sooner just to express my revulsion to AT&T.

I love the people that think Verizon is oh so much better. Fact is, if the shoe was on the other foot, Verizon would have the same issus as AT&T and people would be making the same complaints about them. I have had iPhones since day one and currently have 3 on contract. Never had a single issue.
I love the people that think Verizon is oh so much better. Fact is, if the shoe was on the other foot, Verizon would have the same issus as AT&T and people would be making the same complaints about them. I have had iPhones since day one and currently have 3 on contract. Never had a single issue.

Agreed. AT&T has great coverage here in Tampa with very good download speeds (currently getting 2200 kbps at my house). And I don't think people realize what a benefit being able to use data and voice simultaneously is---I do it all the time (looking at Maps or looking up something in Safara while on a call) and would really miss it, probably more so after the addition of multi-tasking with OS 4.0.
Can someone please explain to me why there are so many people saying they are going to either cancel or return their iPad 3G because of the new AT&T data plans? I don't get it. I realize that there is no longer going to be the unlimited data for the $29.99 charge that was originally advertised, but why would that cause someone to dump their 3G iPad???
I have a 32GB 3G on order and I am concerned.:confused:

Here is why:

With a $30 "unlimited" plan you know exactly how much your monthly data charges will be. Easy to budget. The new plan is $25 for the first 2GB and $10 for each additional 1GB. If you use that much bandwidth it's not really a value proposition anymore and other Internet connection options come into play.
I guess anybody that uses more than 2 GB a month on a 3G device is considered a power user by AT&T.
This is just the beginning of what all carriers will be doing for Internet access. Tiered usage will be the model going forward so the people using a ton of it for streaming are going to have to get used to paying for it.
itll be hard to use over 2gb. my highest usage was last month tethering my ipad thru my iphone and that was 1.7gb.
This is just the beginning of what all carriers will be doing for Internet access. Tiered usage will be the model going forward so the people using a ton of it for streaming are going to have to get used to paying for it.

I don't know about that. Right now the best hardware (at least according to these forums :D) is on one carrier. What will happen when exclusivity is gone? We are still in the infancy of what really is possible guys. I believe the market will adapt to what the people decide. If you want to stay competitive they will adapt. This is all new territory for these people (CEOs) so there will be some growing pains. Of course this is all assuming the market stays "free".
Just like when people flocked to AT&T b/c of the iPhone (and many had complaints but we stayed anyway b/c we're getting enough to make it worth while), what would happen if a company offers $70 or $60 flat unlimited voice/data? HELLO?!?! That would make me think twice...
Because it could be construed as a 'bait and switch' selling people on a device that for $130 extra and $30/mo gives you unlimited data.

For many people that was enough to say, cool now I can stream movies and not pay reams extra for the option. By changing their pricing structure to $25/mo and capping the data allowed to 2GB, it effectively kills anyone's notion of streaming media onto the device while using the 3G service.

Of course it could be said, they're protecting the ability to provide 3G service by not allowing customers to abuse the service, but they OFFERED IT. And Apple AND AT&T were selling it on the unlimited data.

2 months later, changing the rules significantly (after selling something like 2million devices, albeit not all 3G models) it really is crappy of AT&T.

Apple may or may not have had the ability to have any say on it, so the real bait and switch is by AT&T. While one can 'manage' their data usage by staying on Wifi as much as possible, when they advertise and promote a product and service as unlimited they should stay with it.

I'm somewhat tempered by the fact their grandfathering people in who already got the service, but I haven't read or seen definitively if these people 'stop' their service for a month if they will continue with the plan or be resigned to the new terms and 2GB cap.

Who's down for a class action law suit?
My understanding is that if you cancel the unlimited at any point, your only option at re-sign-up is the $25 2GB or the $15 200MB.

Which makes it in effect a "contract". I can't turn it on and off at will. Apple's page still states this. This is simple bait and switch :mad:
Downgrade then upgrade option?

if these people 'stop' their service for a month if they will continue with the plan or be resigned to the new terms and 2GB cap.

Now this is the question of the day for me. I just found out about all this an hour ago! I have about 1.5 weeks left on my first 30 day cycle of unlimited 3g.

But, as I posted on another thread ( I have only used 138mb...and finding 3g to be pretty sparse here in SETexas.

On the other hand, school is out today for the summer, and I will probably be pushing the usage a bit more...just not sure if it will push 2gb or more.

If anybody has an answer to the question if you drop to a $15 plan, from a $30 plan, can you go back to a $30 plan at your leisure, this would be very good info.

Lowers the value of the 3g iPad, IMHO

I bet Apple is even more upset with AT&T than we are though. Unlimited data is an important aspect of the iPad.

Yeah, I wonder what is REALLY going on. Apple has GOT to be pissed about this.

Apple's page still states this. This is simple bait and switch :mad:

Yeah, I am pretty upset. It may save a lot of people $5, but I feel that my 3g purchase has just been devalued.

I had a wifi iPad. Although it was a 16...and I wanted a 64, so I was going to get a different unit anyway, I worked and brainstormed really hard on this decision of whether to get the 3g or not.

#1 reason...3g unlimited. I figured even if I decided I didn't need or want the 3g, that having the 3g antenna for what was one of the best plans on the market would make the resale value of the 3g model better.

Now that the unlimited is out of the picture, it makes a wifi tethering solution a LOT more attractive. When I weighed my options, it was $50-60 for a wifi solution, separate product with a limit.

The external wifi was an option to be able to set up remote hotspots, or, even in the rare event of a hurricane here in SETexas, a hotspot here after the storm blows through, or even in the event of the occasional power outage (which I have previously used my cell phone to provide service to our laptops). But they had limits on the number of devices and/or amount of data. So, the iPad seemed like the best all around option.

But, AT&T took that edge for the iPad least SERIOUSLY knocked it down so the other options look more attractive. Now I am feeling pretty bummed that I am stuck with a device that is dependent on AT&T...which has proven to be less than available when I want and need it.
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