I agree with you that it’s possible something else is going on. But my OS is a new install. I bought this machine recently from someone who obtains ex-office Macs in bulk. Each one has the disk wiped clean and a new install of the latest OS for the machine, in this case hi Sierra. I got it like this and added a few programs, mostly music production stuff like sequencers and DAWs. Soon after I replaced the HDD with an SSD. It ran fine like that then for some reason I installed CleanMyMac X. Soon after that the spinning pizza of slowness started appearing for the slightest of tasks like opening the App Store (hardly intensive). I get about 16Mbps download, so not too slow. Like I say it’s possible that the SSD ( a no name EBay purchase) may have been the issue. But I have never seen an app so thoroughly destroyed, to come back after every reboot like nothing had happened. It was, frankly, astonishing, like blowing up a Russian tank and turning around to see it like new from the factory, many times, over the course of 2 days. Or like the car Christine, in the movie of the same name. After a while you start to hate it with a passion. It’s possible that my SSD wasn’t deleting, renaming, moving, cleaning the files as I asked them to do. It’s even possible that using the inbuilt unistall button of the app itself failed because of the SSD, TWICE. But after every process I undertook, it looked like it worked, UNTIL I was forced to reboot because the machine was performing like crap or not at all. Ordinarily I rarely reboot a Mac (I’ve been using Macs since 2000, the power PC days. Since I put the HDD back in (with all the software I added) it’s been running great. I’ll probably never know what happened, but, in the future any SSDs will be name brand to eliminate uncertainty.
One more thing. It IS possible that I had a virus/malware, etc. BUT.. I had CleanMyMac X and I used it. I only deleted it because a. Nothing was getting better, and b. It popped up eon every reboot trying to get me to buy the full version, which I found very intrusive and pushy. When it turned out (for me) that removing it was impossible, I started smelling a rat. A program that purports to clean your Mac on a Mac that is getting slower by the minutes, that constantly nags for a paid upgrade for it do do a complete job, that refuses to uninstall, and defies every effort at doing so. But, las stated, maybe something else was creating all of this and CMM X wasn’t the villain.