valiar said:After reading, thinking, and evaluating, I have decided that I will go the Canon way for the following reasons:
*All Canon lenses I want are available with USM focusing. Yes, Nikon has AF-S lenses, but most lenses I would want (including the 50mm normal lens) are not AF-S
*I will be able to upgrade to a full-frame Canon body later on if I need to (5D or its better/cheaper successor). No such luck with Nikon as of now
*On a Canon, I will be able to use M42 screwmount lenses with a cheap adapter, and they will focus to infinity. No such luck with Nikon because of registration distance issues
*I will have less dust problems with a CMOS sensor
*The difference in price between D200 and 20D/30D is completely out of line with difference in picture quality (which is very close)
As far as my choice is cncerned, the only advantage of the D200 I can see is superior egonomics/controls.
Point #1: You never mentioned what other lenses you wanted besides the 50mmin USM/AF-S.
Point #2: If you do want to go to FF later, be sure to avoid the EF-S lenses
Point #3: Okay sure
Point #4: Where did you find information on this? I am very curious into why this is. Perhaps the lesser heat?
Point #5: I don't understand this one. Is the D200 too much or too little? It is not a direct competitor to the 30D or 5D. It is an intermediate between those two cameras.