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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022

Today I was working in my usb 6TB WD_BLACK in mac os (macbook pro 14 m1) , everything was working fine, I close the lid and when I came back to work again the disk wont show in finder, but its grey out in Disk Utility.

The usb hard drive works great in windows, what should I do ?

Captura de ecrã 2022-04-25, às 17.34.03.png


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
Put the computer to sleep and pull out the USB and plug it back in after waking up the computer?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
Put the computer to sleep and pull out the USB and plug it back in after waking up the computer?
I close the lid, after one hour (+-) , came back the disk did not show up.

Restarted the computer multiple times same problem, tried in another macbook (mb air m1) , same problem.


macrumors 68030
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
Is this an older drive? Invert the USB-C adapter plug in the USB-C connector.
"Sidedness" is supposed to be only an issue with USB 1.1, but who knows?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
I tried both ways, I also tried another with multiple adpters in another macbook m1. Same problem, this is so confusing . The disk powers on.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
After using windows built in tool check disk for errors, it worked . lol , i dont know what happen.
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macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
After using windows built in tool check disk for errors, it worked . lol , i dont know what happen.

ExFAT is a notoriously unreliable format. Your drive probably went corrupted and macOS refused to mount it. Windows had less concerns. Disk check would have fixed that. You still probably have corrupted files on that drive though.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2015
Key West FL
After using windows built in tool check disk for errors, it worked . lol , i dont know what happen.
This is always the best approach when you have access to a Windows machine.

I use several ExFAT formated HDDs daily, on both macOS and Windows, and have done so for the best part of the last decade. I've had very few issues, but 100% of the issues have involved use on macOS. My Macs seem to very occasionally damage to drive format. This may be related to the macOS's sleep functions and its issues with unmounting drives while its dreaming and its faillure to properly remount when awakened. Mac's Disk Utility can't handle these damaged volumes but Windows' repair services seem to always do a good job.

ExFAT is a solid drive format, though it lacks some of the ruggedness (duplicate directories, ...) found in NTFS and HFS+. The Windows implementation has been solid since late in the WinXP days, but Mac implementation (intro OSX 10.6.5) seems to have been less stable, at least in my experience.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2022
After using windows built in tool check disk for errors, it worked . lol , i dont know what happen.
Did you try using Disk Utility on the Mac before that?

If not, next time you can’t mount a drive, use Disk Utility since it can often repair unmountable drives.


Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
The only time I used
ExFAT is a notoriously unreliable format. Your drive probably went corrupted and macOS refused to mount it. Windows had less concerns. Disk check would have fixed that. You still probably have corrupted files on that drive though.

The only time as Mac user was use ExFAT was in Intel days for Bootcamp the Windows installer could see it and refit it NTFS before installation!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
ExFAT is a notoriously unreliable format. Your drive probably went corrupted and macOS refused to mount it. Windows had less concerns. Disk check would have fixed that. You still probably have corrupted files on that drive though.

Everything is working fine, check all the drive, no corrupted files. Also the drive is new.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
Did you try using Disk Utility on the Mac before that?

If not, next time you can’t mount a drive, use Disk Utility since it can often repair unmountable drives.
Yes, every option wouldn't work (did not test erase or restore).
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
The only time I used

The only time as Mac user was use ExFAT was in Intel days for Bootcamp the Windows installer could see it and refit it NTFS before installation!

What type of file system do you recommend ?
I have to work with that Hard Drive in windows, linux and macOS.


Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
What type of file system do you recommend ?
I have to work with that Hard Drive in windows, linux and macOS.
I have no experience with Linux machines in radio stations (my friend owned a radio Station) and it ran on Lixun servers and workstations! Only on time when old Ethernet cable failed did we have any problem running that system!

The format in networked device doesn't really matter! What matters in network is the shares be able to read/write to certain shares! You better of going with a smart NAS setup to share data points and archiving!


macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
Everything is working fine, check all the drive

Well, sure, the original disk check probably fixed whatever was wrong. I mean, the mere fact that running the disk aid on Windows "fixed" the disk for macOS is a clear give away that something has been changed.

no corrupted files.

How do you know that? Did you maintain checksums for all the files on the drive?

Also the drive is new.

Bugs and other problems with filesystems affect drives regardless of whether they are old or new.
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macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2011
Glendale, AZ USA
Well, sure, the original disk check probably fixed whatever was wrong. I mean, the mere fact that running the disk aid on Windows "fixed" the disk for macOS is a clear give away that something has been changed.

How do you know that? Did you maintain checksums for all the files on the drive?

Bugs and other problems with filesystems affect drives regardless of whether they are old or new.
Geez. Give the guy a break. His drive works and he's happy. Why would you want to rain on his parade? (rhetorical question) Yish!


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
My suggestion:

Try a different CABLE setup.

Does the WD drive have a "detachable" cable (at the enclosure end)?

If so, get a cable with USBc "on the Mac end", and USBa (or whatever the drive is using) on the "drive end".

No promises.
But sometimes, making simple changes like this... changes everything.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
My suggestion:

Try a different CABLE setup.

Does the WD drive have a "detachable" cable (at the enclosure end)?

If so, get a cable with USBc "on the Mac end", and USBa (or whatever the drive is using) on the "drive end".

No promises.
But sometimes, making simple changes like this... changes everything.

>Does the WD drive have a "detachable" cable (at the enclosure end)?
Yes ,

Yes, I ll buy one, for now i'm using the adpter, was the fastest way to access that hard drive, I had my developer projects in there.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
Well, sure, the original disk check probably fixed whatever was wrong. I mean, the mere fact that running the disk aid on Windows "fixed" the disk for macOS is a clear give away that something has been changed.

How do you know that? Did you maintain checksums for all the files on the drive?

Bugs and other problems with filesystems affect drives regardless of whether they are old or new.

Yes, I'm made sure the drive is ok, I have alot of projects there, that my work depends on.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
Problem keeps happening, after a call with apple, they said the adpter is the most likely causing this.
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