I have a NEX-3N that I'm happy with, which was an upgrade earlier this year from a Canon G12 point and shoot. Great image quality and as portable as I need it to be.
A bunch of people here gave me good feedback when I was making a decision, including some other NEX owners: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/1621311/
Thanks for the link, I'll read what others got to say.
I hunted around for more specs, because I didn't feel that "1 inch" was what it seemed to be.
The RX100 ii sensor measures 13.2 x 8.8 mm, and the Sony "APS-C" sensor measures 23.5 x 15.6 mm.
Big difference, and the confusion seems to be for historical reasons. What's commonly callled a "one inch" sensor isn't anything like 1" in any dimension.
From the link: "The inch-based image sensor format originated in the 1950s and stems from the physical size of the vidicon tube sensor used in cameras at that time. The outside diameter of the vidicon tube was equal to 1 and the imaging area of the tube was 16mm diagonal. The sensor was commonly referred to as a 1 sensor and shortly thereafter it was commonly known that a 1 sensor had an imaging diagonal of 16mm. This resulted in the seemingly odd image sensor inch format: 1 = 16mm."
Sony's 1" sensor's diagonal is 15.9 mm, close enough.
I don't know how I feel about this -- I think it's deceptive to anyone who doesn't trouble to look up the actual sensor size.
Now, if I'm the only one in this thread who didn't know that "1 inch" isn't "1 inch," then I need to apologize.
I've watched this video and this guy also said it's confusing and tired to explain it.
Check from minute mark 4:30