I am struggling with the same question. I haven't used an iPad for a few years, but the improvements to iOS 11 for iPad might just bring me back. As I see it, most people will replace their iPads every 3-4 years, and I really don't think it matters that much if I buy the Pro or the standard iPad. Why? Technology improves rapidly, so regardless of my choice, in a few years, I will probably be enticed away from my existing iPad to add features, improved screen, lighter weight....whatever. Pro users will be enticed by better Pro features, and typical iPad users will be attracted to new features available on the standard iPad.
To get the full benefits of the Pro over the standard model, I would purchase the Apple pencil and a keyboard compatible with the connector. I mean there isn't much point in paying the premium for the Pro model if you aren't going to use the Pro technology and features. I figure $250 for accessories.....which doesn't really include something to protect the back of the iPad....but let's not worry about that now. So, a base Pro 10.5 in is going to run $900 ($650 +$100 pencil + $150 Keyboard cover).
The base iPad can be purchased on discount for less than $300. You can get a decent case on Amazon for about $12. Now, if you just want an iPad to simply: surf the web, reply to email, edit some documents, read books, watch videos, keep calendars and contacts, enjoy photos etc., then it is pretty hard to justify the 3x price difference between the Pro and standard iPad. I think this is especially true if you own a desktop or laptop for more taxing computing needs.
Honestly, I think my wife and I could get by just fine if we each had a standard iPad and shared our Mac Mini desktop. It would be a very very rare occasion when simultaneously we both had computing needs that could not be done on our iPads, and we were competing for time on the desktop. It would probably never happen. And, if it did happen, it would not be much of a competition anyway.....she would win every time.