Not me, I'm the opposite. I don't like constantly being the low end of technology, why not get the latest and greatest if u can afford it? [...]
But it comes down to what you can afford i guess.
It's not just what you can afford; it's what makes sense for your needs. I use my iPad as a media consumption device - the great majority of my iPad usage is video and e-books. Add in a little web browsing, spreadsheets, email, iMessage, banking etc. Very low-power requirements. I kept my iPad 2 for over 3 years and only upgraded it because a few factors came together to get me an impossible-to-resist deal on my current iPad Air 2.
So if my Air 2 died tomorrow, sure I could afford the pro, but it would be a waste of money for what I use it for, and it wouldn't provide me with an experience that's meaningfully different than the 2017 iPad 5. Again, not knocking the Pro for those who make use of its power and capabilities - but I wouldn't be one of those people.
Also, you took my example out of context. The comparison I was making was 6 years with an iPad Pro vs. 3 years with a 2017 iPad 5 and 3 years with whatever the low end is in 2020. Your Pro isn't going to be the "latest and greatest" in late 2018, much less 2023.
Now, if you're happy spending another $650+ every year to get the newest model, and that makes you happy, then godspeed to you. But that's not the scenario my post was addressing.
As it turns out, I ended up buying a 128GB 9.7” iPad Pro, open box, from Best Buy today for $489 plus tax.
I think it's a good deal! The 64 GB 10.5" pro would cost you $160 more for half the storage. Enjoy the new iPad!!