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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2013
Gothenburg, Sweden

Yesterday I posted a thread about how I wasn't able to transfer my message files to my downgraded iPhone (7.0.4 --> 6.1.3) ( This is now solved! I had to jailbreak my iPhone to be able to access the SMS folder.

However, I can't send any SMS or iMessages after this. I believe it has something to do with the files I replaced:

This were the files that was located in the SMS folder before I replaced them with my new ones: (The drafts folder was/is empty if anyone wonders)

This are the files I replaced them with:

When I try to send a message, the "loading bar" gets stuck in the end, like this:

I don't know if the sending problem has something to do with the files I replaced (or if it has something to do with the downgrading and jailbreak) but if it has, does anyone know how to fix it?:)

Thanks in advance!:)
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