Has any successfully linked the new cfitsio library to Xcode and Snow Leopard?
No. It appears that the symbols have been stripped. I had better luck with MacPorts.
Has any successfully linked the new cfitsio library to Xcode and Snow Leopard?
Want to be my graduate student?
No, I've never wanted to become a slave. It isn't in my nature. I do enjoy helping others learn though.
Attached is an Xcode project that implements the cfitsio 'testprog'.
It contains a copy of the 'libcfitsio.a' compiled using MacPorts.
It copies the test file 'testprog.tpt' into the build tree:
View attachment 214684
I'm curious... $80 worth of tickets, divided by several hours communicating with farmerdoug and then solving his problem for him, earns you an hourly rate of...$20-30?
I wonder what Farmer Doug got paid in that same amount of time.
Any code using fits files is for me and my astronomical colleagues. The other code you've been help with are use sole for me and a friend.
I would rather get everything to compile in Xcode so that I can use the debugger.
If I modified the make file supplied with the code by adding an "-arch x86_64" to the CFLAGS, I do not get a link error to the cfitsio library but I do get a to undefined symbols _fopen$UNIX2003 and _fdopen$UNIX2003. Any ideas about what this means or how to fix it.