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motulist said:
Wow what an unusual thing to get upset about, but I suppose we all have our own pet peeves. My tech related pet peev is when people who I rarely talk to call me up out of the blue and act all super friendly for twenty minutes and then they try to segue into "... so speaking of trying to get back into making music, I was trying to set up my midi stuff and I can't seem to get my interface to recognize my sampler." If they came out right at the top and said "Hey man I know I haven't spoken to you in a long time but can you help me on a tech problem?" then I MIGHT help them for 5 minutes, but if you try and act like we're all buddy buddy just to get something from me then you can just foad. That's my tech pet peev.
I know what you mean........The life of a tech:eek:
grapes911 said:
You are right, it is determined by the ISP. My post you were quoting was specifically referring to FIOS.

But this is where many people differ in opinions. I'm not going say which one is right because there really isn't one, but I'll give two most popular arguments.

Argument 1

DHCP is a way for a computer to ask for an IP. Some people believe that anytime you use DHCP, you have a dynamic IP. Your IP is determined by what the server gives you. Even if you always get the same IP, then you still have a dynamic IP

If you do not use DHCP, and you manually configure your router/computer with a predetermined IP, then you are have a static IP.

Argument 2

If there is any possibility of getting a different IP address each time you connect, then you have a dynamic IP.

If by design you always have the same IP, whether you use DHCP or not, you have a static IP. If you manually enter your IP, you have a static IP.
The first would be correct. Its by design because your computer will ask for the same IP about 1/2 through its lease time. When it gets to about 3/4 through its least time it will ask for any IP from that DHCP server. Then if its something after that it goes for any DHCP server. I will try find the actual times. But its different for every client OS. However just because it almost always gets the same IP does not mean in the feature it will be the same. ;)

EDIT: here is an explanation: This is how windows does it. It may be a little different for mac/routers, I am not sure but it should be close to the same if not the same.:)
trainguy77 said:
The first would be correct. Its by design because your computer will ask for the same IP about 1/2 through its lease time. When it gets to about 3/4 through its least time it will ask for any IP from that DHCP server. Then if its something after that it goes for any DHCP server. I will try find the actual times. But its different for every client OS. However just because it almost always gets the same IP does not mean in the feature it will be the same. ;)

I'm not saying how an OS handles it. I'm talking purely definitions. I'm saying that the meaning of dynamic and static when referring to IPs is becoming blurred. Some people believe it is 1 and others believe it is 2. The first one is more of the traditional meaning, but more and more people are accepting the second one as new meanings of dynamic and static.
I thought of a good example.

definitely Static - At my work all computers have a predetermined IP address typed into the Network preferences. We do not use DHCP.

Dynamic - My parents have FIOS. As long as they stay connected, the router will always (I think always, but maybe almost always) keep the same IP. If the router is unplugged, there is a chance the IP may change. Usually it doesn't but

Edit: How did this get in here?
grapes911 said:
I'm not saying how an OS handles it. I'm talking purely definitions. I'm saying that the meaning of dynamic and static when referring to IPs is becoming blurred. Some people believe it is 1 and others believe it is 2. The first one is more of the traditional meaning, but more and more people are accepting the second one as new meanings of dynamic and static.
Yes this is true. I have always stuck with number 1 because its better safe then sorry if you are hosting something. My rule is if you have DHCP then use no-ip or the like.:)
grapes911 said:
I thought of a good example.

definitely Static - At my work all computers have a predetermined IP address typed into the Network preferences. We do not use DHCP.

Dynamic - My parents have FIOS. As long as they stay connected, the router will always (I think always, but maybe almost always) keep the same IP. If the router is unplugged, there is a chance the IP may change. Usually it doesn't but
Yes that is the technical way of doing it.
I thought of a good example.

definitely Static - At my work all computers have a predetermined IP address typed into the Network preferences. We do not use DHCP.

definitely Dynamic - My parents have fiber. As long as they stay connected, the router will always (I think always, but maybe almost always) keep the same IP. If the router is unplugged, there is a chance the IP may change. Usually it doesn't but there still is that chance.

Now the confusing one:
At my house, we have cable. We use DHCP, but we always have the same IP. No matter how long or short we keep the router unplugged we will always have the same IP. There is 0% chance of getting another IP, as long as we don't cancel our service.

Some people believe this is static because I always have the same IP.
Some people believe this is dynamic because I use DHCP.

I've talked to network experts and professors at my college. They all say the same thing -- it depends on who you talk to. Neither is right, but neither is wrong. One is more traditional, but the other is entering the vernacular and must also be considered.
grapes911 said:
Now the confusing one:
At my house, we have cable. We use DHCP, but we always have the same IP. No matter how long or short we keep the router unplugged we will always have the same IP. There is 0% chance of getting another IP, as long as we don't cancel our service.
You don't have a 0% chance. All that means is that there servers are set up for a very long lease time. If you are unplugged for over that time you will get a new IP. As that one will be used by a new client.

Our school who ever set up the DHCP server there got the bright idea to set the lease time to 200 years. Well thats nice everyone will always have the same IP!!! Different IT people came through. And then one day we started getting warnings saying we are almost out of IPs! I go check the settings and every computer ever on the network still is reserved! so I changed that back to a nice number of 7 days. So you ISP could be around 7 days. That is what many people are at as that way you can re-use IPs, because not many people are unplugged for over 7 days. If they do they probably are not customers anymore!

grapes911 said:
Some people believe this is static because I always have the same IP.
Some people believe this is dynamic because I use DHCP.

I've talked to network experts and professors at my college. They all say the same thing -- it depends on who you talk to. Neither is right, but neither is wrong. One is more traditional, but the other is entering the vernacular and must also be considered.
Yes neither are right. As long as you know that it may change, probably not, but you never know.
trainguy77 said:
You don't have a 0% chance. All that means is that there servers are set up for a very long lease time. If you are unplugged for over that time you will get a new IP. As that one will be used by a new client.

I've called the ISP. Their lease time is set up as indefinitely or at least until I cancel my service. There is 0% chance of me getting a new IP address. I guess if their systems crashed and everything needed to be redone or something like that, but I don't think you can't take that into consideration.
grapes911 said:
I've called the ISP. Their lease time is set up as indefinitely or at least until I cancel my service. There is 0% chance of me getting a new IP address. I guess if their systems crashed and everything needed to be redone or something like that, but I don't think you can't take that into consideration.
Intresting I never knew you could do that. Must be a nix system. And of coarse some datebase thingy to make it get rid of leases when you cancel. Very intresting learn new things everyday!:D
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