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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 25, 2009

I have an unlocked 2G iPhone and I am going to drop att like a bad habit. (I am absolutely fed up).

What is the cheapest plan on tmobile that works with Data on iPhone 2G?

I use the Sidekick prepaid plan. I put $40 in there each month and that covers unlimited text and internet, I rarely talk on the phone so it fits me well. If I do talk its 15 cent a minute, kind of high, but I talk maybe 30min a month.
I use the Sidekick prepaid plan. I put $40 in there each month and that covers unlimited text and internet, I rarely talk on the phone so it fits me well. If I do talk its 15 cent a minute, kind of high, but I talk maybe 30min a month.

How does that work? I thought sidekick plans do not work with iPhone because it routes stuff through Danger's servers?
my plan:

300 my favs - $34.99

tzones - $5.99

1000 texts - $9.99

freelancers corp discount - 10% off my total

so all that adds up to be about $56 a month. but now since i have the unlimited textfree, im going to have to get the 300 text for $4.99 instead of the 1000.

after all of that my total will be about $45-46.

thats the cheapest plan i can come up with.
i had the total internet plan. I also used to smell like coffee bean ( being in starbucks all day )
my plan:

300 my favs - $34.99

tzones - $5.99

1000 texts - $9.99

freelancers corp discount - 10% off my total

so all that adds up to be about $56 a month. but now since i have the unlimited textfree, im going to have to get the 300 text for $4.99 instead of the 1000.

after all of that my total will be about $45-46.

thats the cheapest plan i can come up with.

cool, I wasnt sure if tzones and sidekick plans worked
I second the sidekick data plan for the iPhone. I currently have the iPhone 3G and unlocked it on T-Mo with the $1-a-day unlimited txt/web :cool:. Just as mattmccarty said, the voice rates are ridiculously high (.15 a minute :eek:) but, i hardly have to talk on my phone anyway. Honestly, T-Mo has a plan for everyone's individual needs. You can go the prepaid route (easiest, IMO) or contract-locked. You have to evaluate your situation and base your plan options from there. And if you choose to go the prepaid route and want the Sidekick data plan, you can ask me any question you want regarding the former. Good luck :apple:
I just switched my predpaid tmo sim plan to the sidekick plan. I changed the apn settings to the setting but am not getting any data yet

Edit: reset network settings and I'm rockin edge with tmo :). Eff you AT&T!!! So do I get unlimited texts with this now? This is killer. So basically you put about. $40/ month on your account and you're good to go? Thanks guys!
my plan:

300 my favs - $34.99

tzones - $5.99

1000 texts - $9.99

freelancers corp discount - 10% off my total

so all that adds up to be about $56 a month. but now since i have the unlimited textfree, im going to have to get the 300 text for $4.99 instead of the 1000.

after all of that my total will be about $45-46.

thats the cheapest plan i can come up with.

after adding the tzone, do I have to do something with the phone to make sure it works? or will automatically give me access to internet?

I'm on T-zones right now and have been for almost a year and it's great (little slow but for $5.99 I'm not complaining)

Just change your APN to or

I just did those off the top of my head so if they're wrong please correct me
If you dont have tzones on your account by now its not availabe any more.
I tried adding it last week and they told me they discontinued it a while ago.
The cheapest unlimited data plan I found was one for $9.99 a month.
You'll have to setup the iphone to use tmobiles internet under cellular data network.
Try a few and see what one works.
Mine only worked with
but theres also others that used these succesfully:

after adding the tzone, do I have to do something with the phone to make sure it works? or will automatically give me access to internet?

If you dont have tzones on your account by now its not availabe any more.
I tried adding it last week and they told me they discontinued it a while ago.
The cheapest unlimited data plan I found was one for $9.99 a month.
You'll have to setup the iphone to use tmobiles internet under cellular data network.
Try a few and see what one works.
Mine only worked with
but theres also others that used these succesfully:

I think t-zones has a new name.

anyway I went with the sidekick plan for 20./month includes unlimited texts. works great
Really? For the same $5.99 price?
The guy I spoke to said the cheapest unlimited data the got at the moment was a $9.99 plan.
Whats the new name of the tzones?

hmmm I dont know it looks like the price was raised to 9.99... The unlimited texts for the extra 10 bucks is well worth it to me for the sidekick plan.
tzones is now called web2go

i have a iphone 3g, kicked att about 6 months ago... airplane mode doubled battery life.... thinking of unlocking for tmobile.... will the maps app work with the gps over the tmobile network
Yes, Edge works with tmobile so maps will load up without a prob.
Also the new turn by turn navigation apps comming out will also work since they dont need any internet connection. Maps are stored on the phone.

i have a iphone 3g, kicked att about 6 months ago... airplane mode doubled battery life.... thinking of unlocking for tmobile.... will the maps app work with the gps over the tmobile network
essentially, t-mobile got smart as to how us iphone users were using the tzones hack.

if you managed to get t-zones in the past, they should still be able to add it to your accoutn again, that's what a few of my friends did.

other wise, the "new t-zones" is web2go, i think. it's 9.99 per month, which is still substantially cheaper than 25 bucks a month. it's what i use, and i have edge, and everything works fine. you just need to set up data network, as said earlier.

If you dont have tzones on your account by now its not availabe any more.
I tried adding it last week and they told me they discontinued it a while ago.
The cheapest unlimited data plan I found was one for $9.99 a month.
You'll have to setup the iphone to use tmobiles internet under cellular data network.
Try a few and see what one works.
Mine only worked with
but theres also others that used these succesfully:

Thanks the worked for the web2go $9.99 internet
Yea I have T-zones and another phone I unlocked (3G) is on the web2go and its running flawless, I actually think it's faster than mine sometimes even when we're in the same location
I also use a sidekick plan a guy on ebay sells the sim and gives you a IME number from a destroyed sidekick :) works perfect.Prepaid is the way to go....
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