Hey guys,
It's been a good run, but I've moved to a new city, and started a new job, and cannot continue to maintain Flow Messenger. The service will be ending in March sometime, and the iphone code / server side code will be open source for other developers to use.
Thank you all for the support these last few months. I am glad there are finally apps out there that do a great job being BBM for iPhone(and even universal push messenger service between iphone/bbm with WhatsApp).
Read some more details here:
Vincent Young
It's been a good run, but I've moved to a new city, and started a new job, and cannot continue to maintain Flow Messenger. The service will be ending in March sometime, and the iphone code / server side code will be open source for other developers to use.
Thank you all for the support these last few months. I am glad there are finally apps out there that do a great job being BBM for iPhone(and even universal push messenger service between iphone/bbm with WhatsApp).
Read some more details here:
Vincent Young