<sarcasm>Oh no! Apple has become M$, breaking it's competitions software!!! Whatever shall we do!?!<sarcasm>
Oh wait, it's just the iPod syncing. You know, their own product. Now that MM is a competing program, you'd think they'd be allowed to change that part without people freaking out, but we all have to overreact to every stupid thing they do. MM still works just fine (well, as good as it ever did), they got a nice boost from Apple for awhile, but now if people want to use iTunes they can, and will. If they don't like it, they can just go back to MM.
Though, judging by the steps it takes to do that, most people will probably just stay with iTunes. But, I guess that's the point. <sarcasm>How dare Apple use their own products to promote their own products.<sarcasm>
Yeah, sometimes they p*ss me off, too, but I think we can let this one go people.