Hi everyone. Just wanted to give an update.
I went to the Apple store today, to exchange my iPad, and was greeted with utter confusion. I explained the situation to the rep, and she told me that "they had no more" and that I would have to come back later. I explained the situation again, telling her that the Genius told me they'd have replacements today, and she asked for my credit card (?). She took it, went in the back, came out, and told me to wait by the Genius Bar.
A few minutes later, she came out with a brand new, in retail box, iPad 3G. The Genius called me over, and asked me to explain what was wrong with the iPad. Again, I explained the situation, and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, obviously confused. He took my iPad into the back, said he saw the problem, and initiated the exchange. He then told me that there was no guarantee the new one would be better than the old one. I asked to inspect it before I left, but he said I couldn't (?). And given that there is no dark place to check for the backlight bleeding, I was forced to take the new iPad and leave.
Thankfully, upon arriving home, I discovered that the new iPad has very, very minimal backlight bleeding. It is more than acceptable. And, as a bonus, there are no dead pixels.
I don't think it's possible (or reasonable) to expect an iPad with ZERO backlight bleeding, but I think it's possible to find one within an acceptable range. So, couldn't be happier with my new iPad!
As an aside, I'm a little skeptical about the goings-on in the Apple Store. As I mentioned, the saleswoman told me they were all out of 3G stock, but then magically pulled one from the back (that wasn't being held specifically for me... I asked). It makes me wonder if they're trying to create built up demand. I heard numerous people asking for the 3G, only to be told they were out. It struck me as weird.