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Yeah, it's going to go back. It sucks because I spent nearly $60 on this screen shield and skin. Now it's money down the drain. I hope apple can offer me something in replacement it. I can't afford to throw out this kind of money and bad iPads. :mad:

I hear ya. I checked for the uneven backlighting before I even took it out of the plastic. I didn't want to use my screen protector before I knew there were no defects. I'm glad I waited.

Let me know how the exchange goes, and if you got an iPad you're happy with.
I'm pretty sure they will replace it. As far as getting me something in return for the shields, I may have to speak with someone at apple customer relations. I feel in the store they won't do anything.
Amazing -- you just purchased it and they want you to exchange your NIB with a white box tomorrow...

**** that!! I'm going to make sure they give me a new one. I don't want a white box one. I didn't drop $900 plus for a white box. :mad:
My 64GB has some slight uneven backlighting issues. I'll take it to an apple store sometime next week. Not nearly as bad as you guys though. Ill post pics later.
Amazing -- you just purchased it and they want you to exchange your NIB with a white box tomorrow...

Don't forget, at this point, they aren't refurbished. They're brand new from the factory. So, it doesn't matter to me. In a month, that would be a different story.
Looks like I got one with the issue (16gb). Not as bad as some of your guys, but definitely more uneven compared to wifi 16gb I've got. It also has one quite noticeable speck of dust and one very faint bright pixel. When this kind of thing happens, I want to wait a bit so I won't get a replacement from the same batch. That happened to me before with the original iPhone. I'll talk to Genius next week, possibly wait a couple of weeks then replace it.
Looks like I got one with the issue (16gb). Not as bad as some of your guys, but definitely more uneven compared to wifi 16gb I've got. It also has one quite noticeable speck of dust and one very faint bright pixel. When this kind of thing happens, I want to wait a bit so I won't get a replacement from the same batch. That happened to me before with the original iPhone. I'll talk to Genius next week, possibly wait a couple of weeks then replace it.

I'd advise against that. Unfortunately, if you wait too long, they'll simply give you a refurbished iPad, not a new one. After a little while, the white boxes turn into previously used models with replacement screens and cases. I'd try your luck now. To me, returning it a few times is better than getting a refurbished machine. But, that's just my opinion.
It appears I have some slight areas on the sides of my screen that appear brighter.. Bottom left, top left. I'm not sure if I would have even noticed them without being told about it.. Not sure if it would warrant taking it to apple. I'm just glad I don't have any bad pixels :)

Need to go check my wifes now. I shouldn't read these threads.

Edit: just checked wifes.. Not a mark on hers. I'm tempted to take it to apple now. Looks as if the LCD isn't blocking the light as much in those areas.. Then again how often am I looking at black.. Then again.. I was thinking of upgrading to the iPad 3G anyway.. Maybe I'll give this to my mother.. She'll never notice :p
Hi everyone. Just wanted to give an update.

I went to the Apple store today, to exchange my iPad, and was greeted with utter confusion. I explained the situation to the rep, and she told me that "they had no more" and that I would have to come back later. I explained the situation again, telling her that the Genius told me they'd have replacements today, and she asked for my credit card (?). She took it, went in the back, came out, and told me to wait by the Genius Bar.

A few minutes later, she came out with a brand new, in retail box, iPad 3G. The Genius called me over, and asked me to explain what was wrong with the iPad. Again, I explained the situation, and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, obviously confused. He took my iPad into the back, said he saw the problem, and initiated the exchange. He then told me that there was no guarantee the new one would be better than the old one. I asked to inspect it before I left, but he said I couldn't (?). And given that there is no dark place to check for the backlight bleeding, I was forced to take the new iPad and leave.

Thankfully, upon arriving home, I discovered that the new iPad has very, very minimal backlight bleeding. It is more than acceptable. And, as a bonus, there are no dead pixels.

I don't think it's possible (or reasonable) to expect an iPad with ZERO backlight bleeding, but I think it's possible to find one within an acceptable range. So, couldn't be happier with my new iPad!

As an aside, I'm a little skeptical about the goings-on in the Apple Store. As I mentioned, the saleswoman told me they were all out of 3G stock, but then magically pulled one from the back (that wasn't being held specifically for me... I asked). It makes me wonder if they're trying to create built up demand. I heard numerous people asking for the 3G, only to be told they were out. It struck me as weird.
I must be a go with the flow kinda guy. I don't even want to look for the issue. Ivr been using this without any complaints for two days and I'm happy. Why look for reasons to be unhappy?
Glad you got it straightened out. I bet they gave you one that was on reserve for someone else maybe.

I noticed a little uneven problem on mine while laying in bed watching the ABC app. I need to investigate further.
I must be a go with the flow kinda guy. I don't even want to look for the issue. Ivr been using this without any complaints for two days and I'm happy. Why look for reasons to be unhappy?

Sometimes your not looking for a problem at all, sometimes the problem is just there staring you in the face without any "looking around" for it. Which was my situation
I must be a go with the flow kinda guy. I don't even want to look for the issue. Ivr been using this without any complaints for two days and I'm happy. Why look for reasons to be unhappy?
I agree 100%, mine looks fine to me. To those having issues, sorry about the buzzkill you experienced after finding a defect, hope it turns out ok.
Give us a break with this, will ya? I'll admit that five years ago building LCD screens was new and challenging and Apple's contract manufacturers screwed-up a few of them. But now this issue just won't die! I go into Future Shop and ask about Mac's and the first thing the sales guy says is "Oh they've got crappy screens, the HP's are much nicer." Geez! In 2010 manufacturing high-quality LCD screens is "trivial" (as Steve would say), they don't have yellow bars, or black dots, or pink moons, or green four leaf clovers burned into them!!! Just freakin' enjoy your new purchase and stop obsessively convincing yourself and everyone else that something's wrong with it!!!
I exchanged mine this morning. The genius was helpful when he first say it. I showed him the few dead pixels it had and the uneven backlighting. He said "wow" that looks pretty bad. So he went to the back and brought me a NIB iPad. He said the dead pixels was enough for me to exchange it. I asked if I can open it to check for both issues. He was kind of hesitant at first. Stating apple products are very good. But I insisted and opened to find out a bright dead pixel in the middle of the screen. He said well there has to be a small cluster of them. :mad: I told him you just said one was enough to exchange and now your saying a cluster. I asked him when did that rule go into effect? He went in the back and brought back the manager. Told him my situation and told them nicely that I didn't feel it was right I pay $900 for a device that's not up to the apple standards. So they brought back a 3rd iPad NIB and we inspected it. This one is the best one. No dead pixels (as far as I can tell). Backlighting it even and no cosmetic flaws. So I accepted it. The manager also told me to contact apple consumer relations about my screen shield and body skins. He said he would verify that I did have them and was already on my third iPad. Hopefully I can get some kind of reimbursement from apple. Don't know if it's a case or iTunes credit. I wasn't after the reimbursement, only an iPad I paid for to be flawless. Overall I'm a happy campier. :D
What I want to know is whose to say they aren't putting the returned iPads back into these white boxes? when someone mentioned these "white boxes" my first question was what would prevent them from doing this and just reselling the same item to someone else?
Yeah, it's going to go back. It sucks because I spent nearly $60 on this screen shield and skin. Now it's money down the drain. I hope apple can offer me something in replacement it. I can't afford to throw out this kind of money and bad iPads. :mad:

You need to check BEFORE you apply.
I'm a little skeptical about the goings-on in the Apple Store. As I mentioned, the saleswoman told me they were all out of 3G stock, but then magically pulled one from the back (that wasn't being held specifically for me... I asked). It makes me wonder if they're trying to create built up demand. I heard numerous people asking for the 3G, only to be told they were out. It struck me as weird.

I had a similar dad and I went shopping for an iPad for him at my local store and they were "completely wiped out." However, I went back only hours later to exchange my 64GB 3G for some dead pixels in the middle of the screen. My only guess is maybe they hold a small reserve for people that have problems? Or maybe they cannot be trusted... :p
Mine is as perfect as can be expected with the technology of LCD. Far better than any LCD TV I have had in the past.

BTW, depending on how you take the picture will depend on how bad it appears. The longer the exposure of the photograph, the worse it looks. I take pictures of this issue with a grain of salt, especially if taken with a point and shoot camera.

Keep in mind, that I am not discounting that there are issues, just that I think some people make a bigger deal out of them. Usually, if you turn down the brightness some the issue almost goes away.
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