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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 12, 2005
Manchester, UK
So I just got my new MacBook Pro two weeks ago and I love it. My first Mac.

My Windows box has a 19inch LCD display and I would like to upgrade to an Apple Cinema display. Probably 20inch (maybe 23inch if I can get the funds). When I plug in my macbook to my current 19inch lcd the colours and resolution are completely unstatisfactory (now that I have been spoilt with the quality of this macbooks display.

So with the new mac pros in August, do you think new cinema displays will be released? What features and price drops do you expect? Or should I just go for it now?

I dont really need this display until later in the year (after August). All opinions welcomed. Thanks
I'm hoping the ACD will be updated with the MacPro's. But looking back with the launch of the G5, the ACD came about (half) a year later with there alu look. Also they had a small but silent upgrade last february, so keeping that in mind, it could just be next January.
I am thinking that they will. you see almost every Mac has a built in isight so why should the most powerful mac of all not have a thing that all the other minnor macs hve.....Hope fully they will be Thinner (way way way....Thinner)
have a higher brightness (way way way....Brighter), and an extreme resolution upgrade (way way way....extreme)

You can pick up a 20 inch display for 799, i really doubt that the next generation displays will be so different. Go with the proven veteran.
I would also have to say that I think the ACDs will be upgraded soon with the addition of built-in iSights as the other models have.

I am currently waiting for the new Mac Pro and new displays to appear before I open my wallet.
alienmac said:
You can pick up a 20 inch display for 799, i really doubt that the next generation displays will be so different. Go with the proven veteran.

I would also say to go with the current rev of the ACD. Although, new ones are possible when they release the Mac Pros. :)
Does the 19inch LCD have DVI?

If not that probably accounts for a lot of the display quality issues you are encountering.
Nothing wrong with the existing ones, however the ACDs are due for an update soon IMO. Also, rumor has it Apple may show off a new case design for the Intel Core 2 Duo Mac Pros, in which case, it would make sense for them to refresh the ACDs soon thereafter to match. :cool:
If the Mac Pro has a new design, the MacBook Pro will also get a new design, which means the Cinema Displays will be redesigned. :)
G5power said:
Does the 19inch LCD have DVI?

If not that probably accounts for a lot of the display quality issues you are encountering.

No DVI on my 19inch LCD - its VGA all the way. I have to use the convertor to connect the MacBook Pro.

I have never been bothered with DVI or thought that there was much difference between the two connections, but now I have realised that my 19inch monitor is rubbish (plus it isnt widescreen which is an issue for me as a photographer.
Demon Hunter said:
If the Mac Pro has a new design, the MacBook Pro will also get a new design, which means the Cinema Displays will be redesigned. :)

OK, so does anybody think that the new pro line of apple products (macbook pro, mac pro, cinema displays) will change colour - that is, not be silver in colouring? I dont think they will change that.

Redesigns would be nice, from the cinema display stand point thinner displays would be great, cheaper prices, inbuilt isight (not really bothered, maybe could be built to order. Possibly reciever of the apple remote. More firewire and USB 2 ports would be also very nice.
eddx said:
OK, so does anybody think that the new pro line of apple products (macbook pro, mac pro, cinema displays) will change colour - that is, not be silver in colouring? I dont think they will change that.

I don't know about that, Jobs seems to be favoring black these days... black iPods, black MacBooks... ;) :cool:
~Shard~ said:
I don't know about that, Jobs seems to be favoring black these days... black iPods, black MacBooks... ;) :cool:
If they went with black it would absolutely have to maintain the metal. There are very few things separating the Apple displays from the Dell displays already. If Apple went black with their displays, that would be one less thing separating them.
tobefirst said:
If they went with black it would absolutely have to maintain the metal. There are very few things separating the Apple displays from the Dell displays already. If Apple went black with their displays, that would be one less thing separating them.

Black annodized aluminum? :cool:
Make sure that if you look at something other then an ACD that you get an LCD with DVI. The DVI provides a much better quality output then VGA.

The nice thing is that you can take your MBP into a shop and connect it to the display monitors and verify the quality.
Yeah, with the recent price drop on the ACDs you can presume Apple is wanting to blow out its inventory to make room for new models...
~Shard~ said:
Yeah, with the recent price drop on the ACDs you can presume Apple is wanting to blow out its inventory to make room for new models...

well they did update the 20 and 23" ones a little bit. but hopefully that's not all that they're doing :)
a red designed apple cinema display would be nice brighter, better resolution, thiner thats about it and maby make the silver be darker but still silver so it has the blaskish look to it but the silver is just fine for me.
I thought the LCD panels had new specs? Or they were underreporting the specs on the monitors? Something like that ...
I am sort of in your boat. The price drop on the 20" ACD is tempting, but I have a good feeling that a glossy, iSight included Cinema Display is around the corner.
peter32892 said:
a red designed apple cinema display would be nice

A red one would be cool, yes, however I prefer silver or black myself. :p :cool:

With the price drop and slight spec boost, Apple is trying to tempt consumers into buying the ACDs, however it's just a clever marketing technique since they know the new ACDs are around the corner. :p ;)
Drop a little more & get the 23". That $300 will go a long way in making you happier. Increasing screen real estate and RAM are the 2 best buys in computerland IMHO.

Spend more time at the store comparing the glossy & matte screens. I fell in lust with the glossy the first time I laid eyes on it. But after spending more time with it, I began to see past the beautiful saturated colors and the flaws began to grate on me. I'm not saying matte is better than glossy. To each his own. Just spend more time on the screen before committing yourself to it. That takes time.

Would you marry a drop dead gorgeous girl you've known for a month?
I would. :rolleyes:

Then I'd be crying in my drink over the divorce. I only drink because she left me. She said she left me because I drink. Oh, well...

Maybe I should have gotten to know her better...

Geez! I'm off topic again! I need to get a life offline...
Go ahead and get the screen now. Great price drops. The 23" is a good buy. You already have an iSight built into your notebook.
Why not wait until the update? If they do update then they will drop the pirce on these as well. If not they get rid of these and have the same price for the new ones. They definently are not going to up the price on the new displays whenever they come out. Just wait about a month (until Paris) and see what happens.
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