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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 7, 2011
Hello to all

Here, MBP2,2 2006 (4.3 intel core 2 duo, 4GB ram, 120GB HD). It became really slow after 7 years using it. I did backups and restore before without installing a clean version of my SL.

If I install SL again (clean) and then restore with time machine, the computer will behave better, or just using a restore without instaling a new SL will do the trick?

I have read so many articles and most of them agree that a clean install and time machine restore is just a waste of time.

Any thoughts?

The reason is, I don't want to make a clean install and do the configuration of apps and files that I have one by one, so the timemachine restore is my option to go.

Thanks to y'all


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Reinstalling the OS then after that restoring from Time Machine is a complete waste of time. What the restore does it write over everything on the disk (including the OS you just installed) and replaces it with what is on the Time Machine disk. So you accomplish nothing.

Manic Harmonic

macrumors 6502
Dec 4, 2011
It depends on what you restore. Migration assistant gives you several options for that. Unfortunately though, the best option is often the most time consuming one - redoing everything from scratch.
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