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@hindmost Read the release notes of ONYX carefully, before using this great app! Never use it with beta release of any of the OS X releases. Glad you survived your ordeal.

CMM is complete junk, so stay FAR away form it!

BTW: Cleaning browser cashes can be done within the browser app itself, so no need for vacum cleaners anyway!

My 2 cents!

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I have used Onyx and CleanMyMac on occasion. BOTH completely destroyed my file directories. Thank heaven I also have DiskWarrior which managed to rebuild the directories...otherwise I would be tearing my hair out yet.

I will say that I am using Apple 'beta' Operating Systems when these mishaps occurred.

Right now I'm using the latest OS X 10.11.2 and all is well....however, I am not going to tempt fate and use either Onyx nor CMM ever, ever again. Those that advise the Mac pretty much cleans itself are correct.

YMMV, if apps work for you...soldier on!
Clean My Mac had an update to their software after the production version of OS.11 came out. No problems.
Poppycock. CleanMyMac is absolute junk, and shame on the two people for upvoting your comment. It's giving extremely poor advice to people on this forum.

If you want to remove all traces of applications, drag the app into AppCleaner and do it through there. Other than the odd volume verification, shutting down regularly and keeping half an eye on your HDD/SSD's SMART data, you don't need to do any maintenance on OS X.

In what way? I have NEVER had any problems with CleanMyMac and I've used both version 2 and 3 since I originally got it in some bundle
In what way? I have NEVER had any problems with CleanMyMac and I've used both version 2 and 3 since I originally got it in some bundle

Your assertion that "well although I don't know exactly what it does, but it's never caused a problem, so it must be a good application", is ludicrous logic. It's dangerous, in fact, when this is your basis for recommending an application for other people to use.

If I start blindly shift-deleting Windows registry files, and don't encounter an issue in the near future, I guess that means that I haven't done any harm?

CleanMyMac does nothing, at best — and for what little it may offer, it's certainly not better than a handful of readily available free apps which do the same thing.

Please stop misinforming readers.
Do you see anywhere in my post where I recommended it? No. So don't tell me to stop misinforming people because I did no such thing

I do know what it does, I have read all the screens and only let it remove things I want cleaned up

I am asking what problems you have had because I am concerned I may have missed something
I do know what it does, I have read all the screens and only let it remove things I want cleaned up

Great! So you know how it cleans the files? Which locations it looks in? What files are being deleted? Or do you just see a generic 'clean space' button and click it in blind faith?

CleanMyMac has never had any proven benefit. And yet it's caused plenty of proven harm. So really the ball's in your court to do the research, not mine.

Forgive me for my passion, but this seems to be a never-ending argument on the Internet. I'm pleased the app works for you, though I really hope nobody decides to buy it based on what you've said. It is a junk app. It really is.
Yes, I know that if for instance I tell it to delete my Xcode derived data it was delete data from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode

I know if I tell it to delete log files it will delete from /Library/Logs /var/logs or ~/Library/Logs depending on what I select

Yes, I could do this stuff by hand, or I could write a bash script to do it, but then I could also download the source code for applications by hand and run ./configure, make, make install by hand, but instead I use homebrew because it is convenient; I could backup my files by hand, but I use Time Machine and Crashplan because they are convenient.

It is not an app I would have normally bought, but it was included in the Macheist bundle (I think that was the one) and it was convenient

I asked in what way you had had problems with it, and stated that I had not, because you seemed so animated about it and I had not had any problems. So I was concerned that there was potentially something I had missed. I did (additional) searches before I posted, and just like last time all I came across was positive reviews on the likes of Macworld, iMore and CultofMac; and even a link on Macrumors's_Hard_Drive Hence why I asked what problems you'd had

(Mackeeper on the other hand is a completely different kettle of fish, which you can tell simply by the scare tactic language they use to try and get people to use it and the means they use to "advertise" it.)

But instead of answering you decided to just attack me, be obnoxious and accused me of misinforming people.

Now I remember why I don't visit these forums very often
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@REBELinBLUE: I don't think keysofanxiety had any intention to hurt your feelings. He simply shared the general experience/views with/on this harmful software.
Even MacRumors is full of threads dealing with CleanMyMac. Just some of them:
so on and so forth.
Thanks all I tried onyx (backed up first , lol) it worked ok for me. I don't think I'll go near CleanMyMac because I had a bad experience with CleanMyMac at one time it did clean my mac directories and all ;-)
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Thanks all I tried onyx (backed up first , lol) it worked ok for me. I don't think I'll go near CleanMyMac because I had a bad experience with CleanMyMac at one time it did clean my mac directories and all ;-)

If any Mac OS X user has the irresistable urg to clean up his/her OS, ONYX is their best shot!

The very agressive Marketing for the CMM app says it all, bullsh*t app for the sake of making a lot of $!

Check on MR or APPLE forums what power users recommend and perform accordingly. Of course it's anybody's right to screw up their own Mac!

OSX, as other people point out, is pretty good at garbage collection. Other than emptying trash an date occasional reboot, usually precipitated by some program behaving oddly, I've never found the need to use a cleaner regularly.I have used Onyx but never really saw the need for regular cleaning. I have used App Delete to delete programs rather than search out all the odd junk they leave behind.

As for recovering space, I use DaisyDisk to find what is hogging space and simply delete those files if they are not needed.
Love how uppity people get if they use a piece of software.

Used to use Clean My Mac, mainly as an uninstall tool, but ditched it now as v3 costs and I didn't really pay for v2 as it came in a bundle I bought for another app. Now use AppCleaner. Yes, lazy.

Since 2011 to 2015, no problems with it. But keep on preaching your opinion as gospel ;)
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I have used Onyx and CleanMyMac on occasion. BOTH completely destroyed my file directories. Thank heaven I also have DiskWarrior which managed to rebuild the directories...otherwise I would be tearing my hair out yet.

I will say that I am using Apple 'beta' Operating Systems when these mishaps occurred.

Right now I'm using the latest OS X 10.11.2 and all is well....however, I am not going to tempt fate and use either Onyx nor CMM ever, ever again. Those that advise the Mac pretty much cleans itself are correct.

YMMV, if apps work for you...soldier on!
Not sure why one would beta and run a disk utility that was designed to run on the previous OS. Of all apps, apps that mess with the OS and/or the file system must be compatible with the OS.

The takeaway from this experience shouldn't be, "never use Onyx nor CMM again." If Apple changes the OS, all bets are off, on any utility that is not distributed as part of the OS (and, of course, the included utilities are also under test, so are not to be 100% trusted either). A good experience with DiskWarrior this time is no guarantee that you'll have a good experience the next time. That's the nature of a beta test.

And did you really mean it when you said that you'd still be tearing your hair out if you hadn't used yet another disk utility to fix the directories? No backup? That's like an aircraft test pilot going up without a parachute!
Another vote for Clean My Mac and Onyx!!!

Clean my mac is all in one and its in the menu bar. On demand cleaning. Cleans everything . Easy to uninstall apps

Onyx is ok but I wish it was more automative such as on demand cleaning or when i close my browser it cleans
Another vote for Clean My Mac and Onyx!!!

Clean my mac is all in one and its in the menu bar. On demand cleaning. Cleans everything . Easy to uninstall apps

Onyx is ok but I wish it was more automative such as on demand cleaning or when i close my browser it cleans

I vote for ONYX too!. Great tiny tool for a few maintenance runs - ONLY IF STRICT NECESSARY - a year, be careful with this very powerful application. For the (auto-)housekeeping of your browsers - when closing - you might look at CCleaner for Mac OSX!

I vote for ONYX too!. Great tiny tool for a few maintenance runs - ONLY IF STRICT NECESSARY - a year, be careful with this very powerful application. For the (auto-)housekeeping of your browsers - when closing - you might look at CCleaner for Mac OSX!


Cleaner doesn't work properly with Captian. Doesn't delete safari cookies and other stuff. They said they will fix it in next update
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@hindmost Read the release notes of ONYX carefully, before using this great app! Never use it with beta release of any of the OS X releases. Glad you survived your ordeal.

CMM is complete junk, so stay FAR away form it!

BTW: Cleaning browser cashes can be done within the browser app itself, so no need for vacum cleaners anyway!

My 2 cents!

The vacuum cleaners tend to suck.
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Not sure if cleanmymac is doing this on purpuse to find itself useful, but its daemon hogs up all my ram only to tell me that I need to clean my mac. =)
After spending three hours reading about all sorts relating to Clean My Mac, especially with regards to potential problems, seeing I never had any problems when I used it for a brief time, my conclusion is as follows:

If you know what you're doing, the tool does exactly what it says it will and what it's meant to. Don't use any such app if you don't know what it does in detail, but if you do know, you'll know what to do, and the tools will work as advertised. I got a lot of free space from when I used Clean My Mac, and whilst I'd never claim a performance improvement, it was helpful in terms of what I wanted it to do. Same can be said for OnyX. It does what I want it to do.
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I've used CMM for several years and have had no problems whatsoever. Claims that some free cleaners can do the same are easy to make without third party verification.
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