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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 16, 2016
Feeling very stupid right now... and quite worried - any help would be much appreciated.

I received a text from 'iCloud' saying my 'Apple and iCloud would be terminated' unless I confirmed my details through a link sent in the text. I don't know what I was thinking but I clicked on the link which took me to a website called something like (I've deleted the text so can't fully remember). I DID NOT PUT MY DETAILS IN as I realised straight away how stupid I had been. I closed the tab straight away and put my phone on airplane mode as I remembered that someone had told me to do that if I ever clicked on a phishing link.

I've changed my Apple ID using my laptop now as well but I'm worried about what clicking on the link might mean and if there is anything else I can/should do. I have a card linked up to my Apple ID but I don't have Apple Pay or any mobile banking apps.

Is there anything else I should do? Is it necessary to change all my passwords? Should I reset the passcode to my phone? Anything else?

All help would be appreciated as I am really worried and feeling very clueless (and very stupid!)


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
In the future, had you logged in, your next step(s) was appropriate. Changing your credentials ASAP is the way to go. Usually an account theif isn't going to get to it instantly.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2015
Pune, India
Feeling very stupid right now... and quite worried - any help would be much appreciated.

I received a text from 'iCloud' saying my 'Apple and iCloud would be terminated' unless I confirmed my details through a link sent in the text. I don't know what I was thinking but I clicked on the link which took me to a website called something like (I've deleted the text so can't fully remember). I DID NOT PUT MY DETAILS IN as I realised straight away how stupid I had been. I closed the tab straight away and put my phone on airplane mode as I remembered that someone had told me to do that if I ever clicked on a phishing link.

I've changed my Apple ID using my laptop now as well but I'm worried about what clicking on the link might mean and if there is anything else I can/should do. I have a card linked up to my Apple ID but I don't have Apple Pay or any mobile banking apps.

Is there anything else I should do? Is it necessary to change all my passwords? Should I reset the passcode to my phone? Anything else?

All help would be appreciated as I am really worried and feeling very clueless (and very stupid!)

don't freak out so much, you're fine :) unless you give personal info, or a phishing website has a malware and you use insecure browsers/plugins like IE and Flash, you're in no trouble.


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
Feeling very stupid right now... and quite worried - any help would be much appreciated.

I received a text from 'iCloud' saying my 'Apple and iCloud would be terminated' unless I confirmed my details through a link sent in the text. I don't know what I was thinking but I clicked on the link which took me to a website called something like (I've deleted the text so can't fully remember). I DID NOT PUT MY DETAILS IN as I realised straight away how stupid I had been. I closed the tab straight away and put my phone on airplane mode as I remembered that someone had told me to do that if I ever clicked on a phishing link.

I've changed my Apple ID using my laptop now as well but I'm worried about what clicking on the link might mean and if there is anything else I can/should do. I have a card linked up to my Apple ID but I don't have Apple Pay or any mobile banking apps.

Is there anything else I should do? Is it necessary to change all my passwords? Should I reset the passcode to my phone? Anything else?

All help would be appreciated as I am really worried and feeling very clueless (and very stupid!)
I've set up the following support page for people who go through the same thing:

I hope it helps.


macrumors newbie
Dec 29, 2018
You didn't submit any info and it sounds like you changed what you need to in order to be safe.
i clicked on the link too and entered my apple id and password but once i got to the next screen i saw where i had to enter an ssn and i was like “i don’t feel comfortable putting my ssn out there” so i didn’t submit any info. is my apple id safe or do i need to change it?
I've set up the following support page for people who go through the same thing:

I hope it helps.
omg i got rickrolled
edit: i changed my apple id password


macrumors newbie
Dec 29, 2018
i clicked on the link too and entered my apple id and password but once i got to the next screen i saw where i had to enter an ssn and i was like “i don’t feel comfortable putting my ssn out there” so i didn’t submit any info. is my apple id safe or do i need to change it? (i changed my apple id password btw)


macrumors 601
Dec 8, 2008
i clicked on the link too and entered my apple id and password but once i got to the next screen i saw where i had to enter an ssn and i was like “i don’t feel comfortable putting my ssn out there” so i didn’t submit any info. is my apple id safe or do i need to change it? (i changed my apple id password btw)

It's the combination of id and password that matters. Since you changed your password, your icloud/apple account should now be secure. However, if you have used that same id/old password on some other site(s), I would recommend going to those other site(s) and changing the password there as well (especially if they are significant in any way -- paypal, amazon, gmail, dropbox, banks, etc.). It is possible that your id/old password will show up on the dark web.


macrumors 68030
Sep 24, 2013
Only additional step I would do is erase history in Safari and check to be sure all cookies were deleted. I do that regularly anyway.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 27, 2016
I don't know what I was thinking but I clicked on the link which took me to a website called something like (I've deleted the text so can't fully remember). I DID NOT PUT MY DETAILS IN as I realised straight away how stupid I had been.

2 years old thread, hmm...
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Aye boi

macrumors newbie
Jan 20, 2019
don't freak out so much, you're fine :) unless you give personal info, or a phishing website has a malware and you use insecure browsers/plugins like IE and Flash, you're in no trouble.
[doublepost=1548012164][/doublepost]What if it is malware? What do you do then?


macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
2 years old thread, hmm...
It’s time of year old threads start popping up.

Threads go through cycles.

New iPhone fever in September. How to order, how to track, I got mine, did you get your’s threads.

Then come the open box, wow I love it, oh god I hate it threads.

Closely followed by series of “gate” threads. Apple doomed, android better threads.

Once this dies down and before rumors of next year’s iPhone begin in earnest very little to thread about so a bunch of old threads are rehashed. Why McRumers keeps em in storage.

By spring the rumors will be swarming the threads again. Leak threads will abound. Analysts will anal-ize and insiders will turn themselves inside out dishing out what some little birdie told them. This will continue and intensify till September announcement, to start anew, the cycle.

Thread cycles do overlap and are augmented with threads about cases, accessories, chargers, ear phone, and some legitimate question from new users. With the occasional toilet drop thread. And the ever present my battery went to 99% health freak out threads.

So watch for the old threads coming back to life. It’s that time of the year.
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